
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sunday Post - 119 & Stacking the Shelves - 82

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

This was a pretty good week. I've been dealing with a small sinus infection. Seriously, it really hasn't been that bad once I got past the sore throat phase. I also finalized some details for a vacation that Husband and I have coming up. I'm pretty excited about it because we haven't been on vacation in over a year, and the last two vacations we went on were with family members. And while that was fine, I'm looking forward to us traveling together by ourselves. I only received one book this week, but it was one I've been waiting on since April--dying for is more accurate. I've already finished it, and my review will be coming soon.


Monday: All Things Halloween Review of I Hunt Killers (Jasper Dent, # 1) by Barry Lyga (4.5 Stars)
Tuesday: Top Ten Scariest Villains
Wednesday: Waiting on The Storyspinner (The Keepers' Chronicles, # 1) by Becky Wallace
Thursday: All Things Halloween Review of Game (Jasper Dent, # 2) by Barry Lyga (4 Stars)
Friday: All Things Halloween Review of Blood of My Blood (Jasper Dent, # 3) by Barry Lyga (5 Stars)


Monday: All Things Halloween Review of Pretty When She Dies (Pretty When She Dies, # 1) by Rhiannon Frater
Tuesday: Top Ten New Series I Want to Start
Wednesday: Waiting on Wednesday
Thursday: All Things Halloween Review of Mortal Heart (His Fair Assassin, # 3) by Robin LaFevers
Friday: All Things Halloween Review of Passion (Fallen, # 3) by Lauren Kate

Don't forget to sign up for the 2014 Series Enders Reading Challenge! Each month there will be a giveaway for those participating with a BIG giveaway at the end of the year! Click on the picture below or the link above to find out more!

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

Pull (Push, # 2)

By: Claire Wallis

Expected Publication: November 6th 2014

240 pages

Genre: New Adult, Contemporary, Suspense, Mystery

Source: Author (Thank you!!!!)

( Goodreads )

Description--***PULL is the continuation of Claire Wallis' sharp and shocking debut novel, PUSH. It is the second book in the series and is not intended to be a standalone.***

"It is impossible for someone like me—someone with a sin-list capable of wrapping itself around the world—to find redemption. To be repaired."

David Calgaro has secrets, and the only woman he's ever loved is about to pay the ultimate price to protect them. He's spent a lifetime searching for purpose and control. And the only place he's managed to find them is in a single, perfect moment; a moment in which he has absolute control over someone else's life.

David is unredeemable, unfixable, unsalvageable. But Emma Searfoss has forced a tiny sliver of hope to penetrate his soul. Hope that, even though redemption is impossible, maybe life isn't. Maybe he isn't who he thought he was. Maybe he's meant to be more.

This is a new adult novel with mature content for readers 17 and up.

That's it for my shelves and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you add to your shelves this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!


  1. I always love vacation planning and as soon as we start thinking of vacation I keep looking forward to it, until we finally go. I prefer vacation with just my boyfriend, because then we're more free to do what we want, especially as my mom for example has very different ideas of what a fun vacation entails. It clashes sometimes.
    I hope your sinus infection will go away soon, I hate the sore throat phase of catching a cold, no matter how much you drink it keeps hurting.

  2. Stephanie Takes-DesbiensOctober 19, 2014 at 8:50 AM

    My sinuses have been difficult with the seasonal fluctuations. The netti pot is my bff right now. Feel better!
    My Sun Post is here:

  3. I love vacation planning, I hope you will have a lovely time with your husband.
    The Push series sounds really great, I'm looking forward to your review of Pull.
    Thanks for stopping by my post!

    El @ So Bookalicious

  4. Have a wonderful vacation! I can't remember the last time my honey and I went on a just-for-two vacation... I guess it's high time we scheduled another one! I hope you get over your sinus infection soon. They are miserable!

  5. I hope you're better. Sinus infection is horrible, I used to suffer quite a bit. I gave up on diary and have been so much better since changing my diet. Have a good holiday!

  6. I still need to read Push..LOL. I am glad you are hanging in there despite the sinus infection, those well..suck. The vacation sounds divine. We need one!

  7. Woohoo for a 'private' vacation. Sinus infections suck. Hope you feel better.

  8. Hope the sinus infection clears up soon! A vacation on your own sounds fantastic. I don't think we've been anywhere other than full on family vacations for the last few years. Great books this week! Definitely looks like you're having fun with the all things Halloween!

  9. Feel better! I hate being sick and a sinus infection is like punishment for being sick. I am not familiar with the book to got this week. Pretty When She Dies sounds great, I am gonna have to come back and check out you review.

  10. Hope you'll feel better soon and have fun on your upcoming vacation :)

    Here's mine:
    My Week in a Wrapped #4

  11. You had a great week---love all the Halloween stuff going on! :D I can't wait to see what you thought of Passion this Friday. Love that series, but Passion was my least favorite (Rapture, the finale, was my absolutely favorite!). Hope you kick the infection soon! That's no fun!

  12. That's exactly what we've experienced. Husband and I have gotten into a groove with our travelling. We know what we both like, but traveling with other people is hard because like you said different people have different ideas of what's "fun". I'm definitely feeling better, thank you! And thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  13. I'm feeling much better, thank you! Hope you're feeling better too! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Stephanie!

  14. Thanks Lark! We still have a couple of weeks before vacation, but I'm getting excited about it! Definitely sounds like time for you and the hubs to go on one too! :) Definitely feeling better, thanks! And thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  15. I'm definitely feeling better. Thanks for asking Jane! I really don't eat/drink much diary either! And truthfully I haven't been sick in about two years, so that's not too shabby. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  16. I REALLY hope you can get around to Push soon. I don't think you'll be disappointed! It's been one of my favorite reads this year I think. Definitely think you need a vacation after planning the wedding and all. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Kimba!

  17. Thanks Christy! Definitely feeling better. And I'm certainly excited about our vacation in a couple of weeks! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  18. I'm feeling much better! Thanks Katherine! We don't have kids yet so it's not like we're leaving the kids behind or anything, but it'll be nice to travel just the two of us since the entire family doesn't always have the same likes and dislikes as us when it comes to travelling! And yes, I've been enjoying my All Things Halloween posts. I start planning and prepping for this month at the beginning of the year, so it's a relief to finally get to it! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  19. Thanks Karen! I'm feeling much better. Pull is the 2nd book in a series called Push. The first book was AWESOME and probably one of my favorite books this year. Pull itself was good too, but I think I enjoyed the first book more. My Pretty When She Dies review went up yesterday, so I hope you're able to check it out! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  20. Thanks Becky! I just love Halloween and I don't read as much paranormal anymore, so it's nice to feature them during October. I won't say too much about Passion before my review goes up. I still need to read Rapture, but I love hearing that it was your favorite of the series! I'm definitely feeling better! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  21. Sinuses are the worst! Aw, I'm glad y'all are going on a vacation alone! Extra people always add complications and while family can be lovely, vacation needs to be restful. :) Yay for a book you've been dying for! I haven't heard of it or the first one, but will check it out.

  22. Feeling much better! So HOORAY for that! Also, definitely glad to go on vacation with just the hubs. Every time we go on vacation we're like "mom would love this" or "I wish dad could see this" or whoever, but when we travel with other people then we have to try to make sure everyone is happy and we don't all have the same ideas for what makes for a fun vacation. :) I HIGHLY recommend Push! One of my favorite reads this year. Pull was good too, but I liked Push better I think. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  23. Pull sounds really good, Sandy! I will go looking for your review asap :)

    I hope you've found a nice vacation spot for you and Husband, and that you'll have an amazing time once you go :)

  24. Thanks Lexxie! I actually haven't posted my review of it yet. It is planned to go up on November 3rd if you want to check it out! Thanks for much for stopping by and commenting! We're definitely looking forward to vacation!

  25. I'll definitely look for your review next week!

  26. I love vacation planning too! We still have a couple of weeks before we go though. I definitely recommend Push. I don't think Claire Wallis hasn't gotten the recognition that she deserves. Thanks for stopping by and commenting El!
