
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

2015 Series Enders Reading Challenge - Goals

This challenge is for all of you series readers who are scared to death of that last book in the series. You anxiously await it. You stalk it. You get your hands on it as soon as possible. But then…you put off reading it for fear that it might not be everything you thought it would be. Or, maybe you just have a backlog of series started and you need to finish that last book.

Join us in knocking out those pesky last books in a series. This is your chance. Here’s your motivation. Better than that, we have prizes!

Challenge Guidelines:

    1) This challenge will run from January 1, 2015 until December 31, 2015.
    2) Anyone can enter. You don’t have to have a blog just as long as you review your books somewhere: on your blog if you have one, Amazon, Goodreads, Shelfari, etc.
    3) Any genre, length, or format is acceptable as long as it is the last book in a series where all books in the series have been published and no more books are currently intended to be published in the series. If an author makes a decision somewhere during the year to add on to the series, we will count both the original last book in the series and the “new last” book in the series assuming the author isn’t going to write more than one additional book. Last book published in a series doesn’t count if more books are expected to be published.
    4) You can list your series enders ahead of time or do a singular wrap up post. If you decide to list them up front, feel free to change them throughout the year as necessary.
    5) When you sign up in the linky, please use the direct link to your post about joining the 2015 Series Enders Reading Challenge. If you don’t have a blog, please post about it on Facebook or Twitter and include that direct link as your sign up.
    6) You can sign up until December 15, 2015. This allows you to join the challenge at any time during the year.
    7) On the 25th of every month, we will post a wrap up on both Somewhere Only We Know and Words Fueled by Love with a giveaway and a place for you to link up your reviews for the month. The monthly giveaway will be open until the next wrap up post goes up (ex. From January 25th 2015, to February 25th 2015). For each link to a review, you will get an (1) entry into a drawing for that giveaway. This will be open internationally.
    8) Monthly giveaway prizes will be an e-book of your choice up to $10 (USD).
    9) If you miss a wrap-up post and giveaway, you can link your review the next month. Please do not try to link to one review twice. We will be verifying these.
    10) December will be the wrap up for the entire year. All reviews linked from January through December will be entered into a Grand Prize giveaway.
    11) You don’t have to follow Somewhere Only We Know or Words Fueled by Love to participate in the challenge, but you do have to follow both of us in order to be entered in the giveaways.

Levels: (how many series enders you are planning to read)

Level 1: 1 – 5
Level 2: 5 – 10
Level 3: 10 – 15
Level 4: 15+

Check out the the sign up post to join!

This challenge is hosted by Somewhere Only We Know and Words Fueled by Love.

My Goals (assuming I don't read any of these before 2015 begins):

  1. Finale (Hush, Hush, # 4) by Becca Fitzpatrick
  2. Rapture (Fallen, # 4) by Lauren Kate
  3. The Iron Knight (The Iron Fey, # 4) by Julie Kagawa
  4. Ruins (Partials, # 3) by Dan Wells
  5. Ruin & Rising (The Grisha, # 3) by Leigh Bardugo
  6. Deliverance (Defiance, # 3) by CJ Redwine
  7. Out of Breath (Breathing, # 3) by Rebecca Donovan
  8. Forever Summer (Summer, # 4) by CJ Duggan
  9. Ignite Me (Shatter Me, # 3) by Tahereh Mafi
  10. Until the End (Sea Breeze, # 9) by Abbi Glines
  11. Deep (Stage Dive, # 4) by Kylie Scott
  12. Until We Fly (Beautifully Broken, # 4) by Courtney Cole
  13. Asa (Marked Men, # 6) by Jay Crownover
  14. Winter (Lunar Chronicles, # 4) by Marissa Meyer
  15. Unleashed (Uninvited, # 2) by Sophie Jordan
  16. Sempre: Redemption (Forever, # 2) by JM Darhower
  17. Split Second (Pivot Point, # 2) by Kasie West
  18. Opposition (Lux, # 5) by Jennifer L Armtentrout
  19. The Ruby Circle (Bloodlines, # 6) by Richelle Mead

Possible extras:

  • Untitled (Age of X, # 3) by Richelle Mead
  • Untitled (Starbound, # 3) by Aime Kaufman & Meagan Spooner
  • Untitled (The Raven Cycle, # 4) by Maggie Stiefvater
  • Untitled (The 5th Wave, # 3) by Rick Yancey
  • Of course, there's always the possibility that I'll not get to some of these, or I'll come across a new/new-to-me series that I read the entire series during 2015. So we'll see what happens. These are just the enders on my radar right now.

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