
Sunday, January 25, 2015

2015 Series Enders Reading Challenge - January Wrap Up

It's time for our first Monthly Wrap Up for the 2015 Series Enders Reading Challenge hosted by Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know and Holly @ Words Fueled by Love!

Where did this month go? Since posting the 2014 Series Enders Reading Challenge - December Wrap Up, I finished two series enders, but the problem is...I finished them both in 2014 so I'm not counting them for this wrap up. But since I haven't read any in 2015 yet, I did want to at least feature them: Out of Breath (Breathing, # 3) by Rebecca Donovan & Maybe Not (Maybe, # 1.5) by Colleen Hoover. Holly finished three series enders this month: Out of Breath (Breathing, # 3) by Rebecca Donovan, Mortal Heart (His Fair Assassin, # 3) by Robin LaFevers, & Maybe Not (Maybe, # 1.5) by Colleen Hoover.

Which series enders did you finish? Link the up below. Don't forget to include the title, your name, & your blog name (Ex: Requiem - Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know) Also, the January giveaway runs from January 25th - February 25th. On February 25th we will use and the linky entries to pull a winner.


  1. I haven't finished any series enders recently! Most of the series I'm currently reading are either unfinished as yet (Lunar Chronicles, Magic Ex Libris, Kingkiller Chronicle, Seraphina, Green Rider, etc.) or are open-ended (most of the mystery series I read.) But good for you for finishing up several!

  2. Oh yes, I love Lunar Chronicles. I can't wait for the next book, but I don't want it to end at the same time. The other series you mentioned I haven't read. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Good luck with your series Lark!

  3. I finished The Hunger Games series this month. This is a series I thought I would never finish because I did not enjoy the 1st book, but with encouragement from my roommate and my sister I gave in and read the final two books. I actually enjoyed them too. I joined a series begginning challenge this year also because as much as I'm afraid of finishing a series I'm also afraid of starting a series, so I'm hoping this will help me get to the series I have wanted to start forever. I'm currently reading Princess of the Midnight Ball and it is so addicting. I find myself saying I will only read a few pages before bed and an hour later I finally think that I should put the book down and go to sleep.

  4. I wasn't actually planning on reading any series finales this month, but then a final book I was really looking forward to became available on NG, I got approved, and of course I read it asap ;) That book is Rose & the Silver Ghost - the final book in Holly Webb's Rose series. But, I'll probably post my review some time in February, so it's closer to its release date, and link it up then :)

    Anyway, great job both! Even if the 2 were in 2014, it's always great when you finish a series, and yay for Holly :)

    Happy reading everyone!

  5. Oh yay! I'm glad that you pushed through and finished the series! And that you enjoyed it. I'm with you. I never used to be scared of series enders before, but by now I've read too many that didn't end the way that I wanted them too. I hope the challenge helps us both to finally knock them out. And I do so love when a book can make me forget that time is passing because it pulls me in that much! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Rachael!

  6. Oh I love when that happens! Definitely linking up in February is fine! I do that all the time. I get some read long before my reviews go live and so I just link up when I can. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Aleksandra!
