
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Top Ten All-Time Favorite Authors

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten All-Time Favorite Authors.

  1. Jane Austen - I’ve read 4 out of her 6 published novels. I still plan to read the other two, but so far Jane Austen will always be a favorite.
  2. Lurlene McDaniel - I mostly read Lurlene McDaniel from the age of 10/11 to 13/14 years old. I can’t even tell you how many of her books I’ve read. She will always be one of my lifetime favorite authors.
  3. Colleen Hoover - I’ve read every published work by Colleen Hoover (10 thus far, I believe). She hasn’t been doing this book thing for too terribly long, but I’ve devoured every single one of her books.
  4. Richelle Mead - I haven’t read most of Richelle Mead’s adult books, but I’ve read 16 books by her total at this point so I think that’s enough to clue her into my lifelong favorites.
  5. Katie McGarry - Again, Katie McGarry is another author that hasn’t been doing this book thing for too long, but like Colleen Hoover, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every single book that I’ve read by her (5 in total so far).
  6. JK Rowling - While I haven’t read Casual Vacancy or any of her books published under her pseudonym (Robert Galbraith), I will never ever forget the place that Harry Potter has in my heart. JK Rowling will forever be a literary genius in my mind for that alone.
  7. Maggie Stiefvater - I’ve read 10 books so far by Maggie Stiefvater. I struggled through The Raven Boys, but every other one has been nothing but enjoyable.
  8. Kasie West - I’ve only read 3 books by Kasie West so far. But I love how what I have read has crossed genres. Not all authors are able to do that successfully. Even though I don’t have many Kasie West books behind me, I still know that I’ll enjoy pretty much anything she publishes.
  9. Tahereh Mafi - I hesitated to put Tahereh Mafi on this list because I’ve only read one series by her and I don’t know that one series really makes a standout author. Sometimes you can have a brilliant series but then bomb on your other stuff. But I adored the strike method she used, and I highlighted huge chunks of her books at one time. Her writing style is beautiful enough to make this cut. (I’ve read 3 books & 1 novella by her.)
  10. Michelle Hodkin - Ok just like Tahereh Mafi, I really hesitate to put Michelle Hodkin on this list. I’ve only read 2 books by her so far, and since I haven’t finished the Mara Dyer series, there’s a chance that she could totally bomb the last book for me and be kicked off the list immediately. But as of now, in this moment, Michelle Hodkin’s writing also qualifies because of its beauty. I might have to re-evaluate at the end of the series, but we’ll see.

Who are your all-time favorite authors? Let me know!


  1. Grace @ Rebel Mommy BookBlogApril 21, 2015 at 7:21 PM

    Love me some Colleen Hoover. And I feel so dumb saying I have never read a Jane Austen book but its actually on my list for my reading challenge. So hopefully sometime this year I will be able to say I have - Great list!

  2. With you on the Jane Austen. Can't say I've ever read anything by any of the others, including JK Rowling. I've also enjoyed everything I've ever read by Joyce & Jim Lavene. Also fell in serious like with the works I've read by NLB Horton. So far, my all-time favorite book is The Good Earth, by Pearl S. Buck. And I used to read a lot of Phyllis A. Whitney when I was in junior high school.

  3. Two of yours were also on my list Maggie Stiefvater and JK Rowling, although I liked The Raven Boys.
    Here is my full TTT:

  4. Oh yes. I hope you do get to read and enjoy some Jane Austen books. I loved Pride and Prejudice, Emma, and Persuasion. I still have Mansfield Park and Sense and Sensibility left to read. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Grace!

  5. I've not heard of the authors that you mention, but I'll have to check them out. Thanks for stopping by LuAnn!

  6. It was just The Raven Boys that I struggled with. The Dream Thieves and Blue Lily, Lily Blue were more what I expect from her. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Jo!

  7. I have to say, whilst I did like The Raven Boys, it did take me a while to get into the series, and you're right, The Dream Thieves and Blue Lily, Lily Blue were much better.

  8. JK Rowling and Tahereh Mafi are such good writers! Tahereh Mafi is the QUEEN of metaphors! Great list!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

  9. That's a pretty good list. I really loved the Maggie Stiefvater books I've read, but didn't have her on my list for some reason... Ugh, this one was really hard. I've seen several authors on people's list that I've thought should have been on mine after the fact. Looks like J.K. Rowling is a general fav. Here's my TTT:
