
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Waiting on Havoc

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Havoc (Mayhem, # 4)

By: Jamie Shaw

Expected Publication: February 21st 2017 by Avon Impulse

Genre: New Adult, Contemporary

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--When Hailey Harper left her family farm to enroll in veterinary school, she had a plan: keep her head down, ace her classes, and most importantly… don’t upset the uncle paying her tuition. Translation? Don’t piss off his dramatic, self-absorbed daughter, Danica, even if she’s a nightmare to live with.

Falling in love with her cousin’s rock star ex-boyfriend was definitely not part of the plan.

As the drummer of a now-famous rock band, Mike Madden could have any girl he wants. He’s sweet, funny, romantic, talented—and the only guy that’s ever made Hailey’s heart do cartwheels in her chest. The more she gets to know him, the harder she falls, but Hailey knows they can never be more than friends… because Danica wants him back, and she’ll fight dirty to win.

Mike is falling for Hailey too, but Danica’s threats and his rock star life—music video shoots, international tours, obsessed fans—could tear them apart before they’ve even begun. Hailey isn’t sure she’s the one for him, but Mike’s waited years for a girl like her… and he’ll do anything to prove it.

I've really enjoyed this series, and Mike is my favorite of all of the guys I think. I'm so glad to finally get his story. What are oyu waiting on this week? Let me know!


  1. This sounds like a really good series. I'll have to check it out. I hope you enjoy reading this book.
    My WoW

  2. I've not read anything by Jamie Shaw, but I've seen this author's books around! Usually protagonists in bands deter me, but I can't resist a romantic guy. :D I hope you enjoy this book when you get a chance to read it!

    Have a fabulous week,Sandy. =)

    Check out my WoW post!

  3. The Candid Cover YA book bloggDecember 29, 2016 at 5:58 AM

    I haven't heard of this one before and it sounds like a great series. I hope that you enjoy this one when you have the chance to read it. Thanks for sharing! :)

  4. Sounds like an interesting series. I hope you get to read this book soon.

    My WoW post.

  5. Yes, Mike is the one who's story I've been waiting for the most. He seems the complete opposite of what you would expect from a guy in a band. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Alyssa!

  6. I've enjoyed the series for sure so I'm looking forward to finishing it off with this one. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Thanks Majanka! It releases next month so if my review request doesn't get approved at least I know I can buy it soon. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
