
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Ten Underrated Books

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Underrated Recent Gems.

You guys, most of the books I've over the last year have at least a 3.8 rating on Goodreads. I'd say that's pretty stinking good. I've read two review books that don't publish for a little bit that currently have low ratings. I'm not sure if that's because of the content or the publication date. I'll list one of those below, but mostly I want to focus on read books. So since the ones I've read within the last year have pretty good ratings, I'm just doing underrated books in general.

  1. Finding Mr. Brightside by Jay Clark (Goodreads Rating: 3.52) My Rating: 4 Stars - I really have no idea why this one is rated so low.
  2. Pull (Push, # 2) by Claire Wallis - (Goodreads Rating: 3.48) My Rating: 4 Stars - I get it. This doesn't have your typical happily-ever-after, but it's still a much better book than that Goodreads rating.
  3. The Fall by Bethany Griffin - (Goodreads Rating: 3.41) My Rating: 4 Stars - I can kind of understand this one too. It's very "different", but I still enjoyed it.
  4. V is for Virgin (V is for Virgin, # 1) by Kelly Oram - (Goodreads Rating: 3.79) My Rating: 4.5 Stars - The message behind this book was so good. And I loved the characters too. I definitely think it deserves a higher rating.
  5. 100 Hours (100 Hours, # 1) by Rachel Vincent - Release Date: March 28, 2017 (Goodreads Rating: 3.11) Review Coming Soon - I mean I don't want to give away my rating right now, but 3.11 is ridiculously low for this book.
  6. Twilight (Twilight, # 1) by Stephenie Meyer - (Goodreads Rating: 3.55) My Rating: 4 Stars - You guys, I realize that Twilight isn't without faults, but I feel like so many people enjoyed this one until it became so popular and then jumped ship. I also feel like some people were determined to dislike it just because it was popular. It's worth more than 3.5 Stars--at least it is to me.
  7. New Moon (Twilight, # 2) by Stephenie Meyer - (Goodreads Rating: 3.52) My Rating: 4 Stars - New Moon rocked my soul the first time I read it. Again, not without issues, but this book had me all up in the feels.
  8. On Becoming Babywise by Gary Ezzo & Robert Bucknam (Goodreads Rating: 3.56) My Rating: 4.5 Stars - Parenting is an extremely personal thing with many decisions that aren't right or wrong...just what works for you. Babywise has gotten a lot of flack, but overall the concepts really helped me and my baby get better sleep which is a win in my book.
  9. A Thousand Nights by EK Johnston - (Goodreads Rating: 3.67) My Rating: 4 Stars - This is another one where the ending was a bit weird, but the writing was beautiful. I think it deserves better based on the writing only really.
  10. Faking Perfect by Rebecca Phillips - (Goodreads Rating: 3.60) My Rating: 4 Stars - This is one of those books that kind of just hit me at the right time I think. I didn't enjoy it as much for the aspects that I was expecting to so much as the ones that took me by surprise.

Which books have you loved recently that you feel are underrated? Let me know!


  1. I agree about the Twilight books when you see some reviews of people starting off with they hate books about vampires or something like that then…hello why read it if you only are reading it to mock it. I have The Fall and A Thousand Nights on my shelf waiting to read. My Top Ten

  2. The Twilight series was fun! Who cares what people say. I'm reading her new book, The Chemist, right now. Completely different but still good.
    Have a great week!
    My Top Ten Tuesday

  3. I seriously need to pick up the "The Fall". It's been on my TBR for a bit now!

  4. I agree with you about Twilight. Sometimes I think people forget they are reading fiction, so there is plenty of room for vamps of all kinds. I loved the books and continue to watch the TV reruns whenever they are on. I'll have to check my TBR...

  5. I love this post too, and totally agree about Twilight and New Moon, they totally deserve better! :)

  6. Exactly! :) I'm so glad that others agree me with on that. I hope you enjoy The Fall and A Thousand Nights when you get around to them! Thanks for stopping by Eve!

  7. I hope you enjoy it when you get around to it! Thanks for stopping by Kayla!

  8. Exactly! I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who feels this way! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting Sherry!

  9. YAY for Twilight love! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Olivia!

  10. I loved V is for Virgin, totally agree!!!

  11. OH YAY for another V is for Virgin fan! Thanks so much Lenore!
