
Saturday, April 1, 2017

Problems Only We Know # 4: When Book Covers Lie

I'm starting a new feature called Problems Only We Know. This is feature is meant to be funny--sarcastic at times-- that highlights on a few topics here and there that can be annoying or small inconveniences that only readers/bloggers will understand.

Let's talk lying book covers.

I've made it my goal to keep my blog "family friendly". I've written an entire post here on what that means to me, but the main thing is that I aim to keep book covers with mostly naked cover models or cover models in compromising positions as well as books with cursing in the titles off my blog. Even though I don't enjoy reading overly descriptive sexual scenes or books with a lot of cursing, I have read some that push my limits at times, but if I've featured it on the blog then it's because I've found an alternate cover edition out there and I've made note of my feelings toward the content within my reviews.

But sometimes book covers lie.

Sometimes books with the cutest covers are packed with descriptive content and/or language.

These book covers leave you thinking "Whoops! That didn't go as I expected!"

Sometimes books with the raciest looking covers don't include the content that the covers hint at.

These book covers can you leave you thinking "Where's it at?".

Sometimes book covers don't have anything to do with the content within.

And these book covers can leave you thinking, "What did that have to do with anything?".


Have you guys ever been lied to by a book cover? Is this a problem that you're familiar with? Let me know!


  1. i never really thought about it, but yeah i agree book covers do lie. I also stay away from too "adult" and violent content, but sometimes the 'cute' cover (and title) gets me.

  2. I completely agree. I tend to shy away from the "too adult" looking covers too. But you're right, sometimes the cute covers hide some really adult stories. Thanks for commenting Aizel!

  3. I agree, book covers do lie but in the past I never gave it much thought. Since I'm moving away from overly sexual adult romance I do look more at the cover when I do see a romance on sale, it's sad to say but sometime I do judge a book by it's cover. This was very insightful, thank you for posting it.

  4. I definitely steer away from covers that tend to look too sexual. I don't prefer to read explicit content so if the cover is too much for me then chances are the content will be too. I don't think there's anything wrong with judging a book by the cover, but yeah sometimes the covers lie. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting Jovita!
