
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Waiting on...Baby # 2

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

I'm Pregnant

So I know this is very unusual and not the intention of a typical Waiting on Wednesday post, but I couldn't think of any book that I'm "highly anticipating" more than I am highly anticipating this baby. Expected Due Date: HALLOWEEN! I've obviously known that we were expecting for quite some time, but I'm so excited to finally be able to share the news with you guys. I'm a little nervous about being able to handle two kids, but I know that just like you're never really prepared for one child, you can never really be prepared for two either. Yet I have faith and confidence that my ability to stretch and what I can handle will grow with our growing family.

I remember that moment that I saw our daughter for the first time and my heart literally expanded. It opened wide and swallowed her whole. I truly wish that I could explain that feeling in a way that someone who has never experienced it would be able to feel, but I know that these feelings can be understood from an intellectual standpoint, but not felt until one is in the moment of experiencing these things for themselves. And you guys, I cannot wait for that moment again. Seeing this new baby face to face, feeling my heart grow with an even more infinite ability to love someone beyond myself. Falling in love with my first child as I see her fall in love with and be the great big sister that I know she will be to this new baby.

And I know because of my own journey and struggles with trying to get pregnant the first time that this is not always an easy process. And since getting pregnant the first time wasn't quick or easy, my eyes were opened to the many people around me who have also struggled. One couple I know who tried for four years before getting pregnant with their baby girl. One family that was told they would never have a biological child of their own, yet she's now in college. At least three (but probably more that I'm not remembering) that have also suffered a miscarriage (or more than one). At least two women who contacted me asking for prayers in their own journeys to motherhood that I've yet to hear an announcement that they've been successful (two years later). One couple who is going through secondary infertility. One failed IVF attempt. Two sets of twins recently born using fertility treatments. And one family with two adoptive daughters. And there is an unknown number of couples who might have given up on trying. Not to mention the mothers I've witnessed over the last two years lose a child (from a 6 week old baby to an adult with a family of his own). I say all of this to say that if you've struggled...if you're currently going through this...if you've given up...I see you. I can't experience my own joy without being aware of the many whose arms are empty and aching and whose wombs have not been filled. There is still hope. There is still joy. Don't give up. And know that you are not alone.

Since I've gone through this before, I do know that my reading and blogging will take a hit over the next year to a year and a half. I've already struggled with a reading slump as the exhaustion as well as hormonal changes from early pregnancy have hit with a vengeance. I also know that I won't have a ton of time to read with a new baby. But as it won't just be one baby, but also a toddler who will be embarking on the terrible twos, I imagine that I'll have even less time to read as I did last time. I'll be scheduling some time off toward the end of the year (probably the entire month of November like I did in 2015), but I'll just have to be lenient with myself from there on out.

Now, I know none of your books can top my exciting news, I still want to know what you're waiting on this week! Let me know!


  1. Congratulations.

    sherry @ fundinmental

  2. Congratulations, Sandy! That's so cool how the due date is Halloween! I hope you're able to spend lots of time off your feet :)

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

  3. Thank you Laura! I think it's cool to have that due date too, but I do hope that he/she doesn't actually come on Halloween. Maybe the day before? :) Thanks for stopping by and commenting Laura!
