
Thursday, June 15, 2017

Calling All Recommendations: Contemporary

Hey guys, I'm in need of some help. I've found myself surrounded by fantasy books in my possession lately. While I love that genre, fantasy has recently bogged me down, and I find that I do best by varying up my genres periodically so that I don't get burned out of any one particular genre. That being said, I'm looking for some contemporary reads that are AWESOME.

A few guidelines if you don't mind:

  1. Characters between the ages of 17 and 30ish.
  2. Please no overly descriptive sexual scenes. The occasional scene doesn't bother me, but when it happens frequently or is described in a bit too much detail, I'm not a huge fan.
  3. Please no LGBTQAI.
  4. Can we try to avoid cheating? Love triangles are fine as long as there's no cheating.
  5. No anti-God characters or themes please. I'm not necessarily looking for Christian reads (although, I'll take some of those suggestions as well), but just not characters that are completely opposed to God.
  6. Also, please no political agendas.
  7. Think authors like Colleen Hoover, Kasie West, Simone Elkeles, Amy Harmon, and Katie McGarry. (But you'd be wasting your time recommending anything by these guys because I've read them all.)

Hit me with your suggestions and favorite contemporary reads please!!! Thanks so much!


  1. Have you read Eight Hundred grapes? By Laura Dave. that was good. She has a new one coming out too called Hello Sunshine. I just read Grit by Gillian French and that was pretty good too, but it's a YA. What She Saw by Gerard stembridge is a fun thriller set in Paris- the protag is a bit older (40's-ish?).

    Anyway good luck!!

  2. How about some Susan Mallery?

  3. Holly @ Words Fueled by LoveJune 16, 2017 at 6:30 AM

    One of my favorite reads from this year, and also a 5 star read of mine, that you still haven't read, is A Thousand Boy Kisses by Tillie Cole. It meets all of your criteria. Seriously, spend the $3.99 for it! You won't be disappointed!!

  4. The Sun is Also a Star and Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon are both great.

  5. I've not read any of these. I'll have to check them out. Thanks Greg!

  6. Oh I have seen these two around. I'll go take a closer look at them. Thanks Rachael!

  7. I've not read anything by her, but I'll check her out. Thanks for the recommendation Priscilla!
