
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Can't Wait for You Don't Know Me But I Know You

Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings to spotlight and talk about the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they're books that have yet to be released as well. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous Jill at Breaking the Spine. Find out more here.

You Don't Know Me But I Know You

By: Rebecca Barrow

Expected Publication: August 29th 2017 by HarperTeen

336 pages

Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Realistic Fiction, Adoption

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--There’s a box in the back of Audrey’s closet that she rarely thinks about.

Inside is a letter, seventeen years old, from a mother she’s never met, handed to her by the woman she’s called Mom her whole life.

Being adopted, though, is just one piece in the puzzle of Audrey’s life—the picture painstakingly put together by Audrey herself, consisting not only of the greatest family ever but of a snarky, loyal, sometimes infuriating best friend, Rose; a sweet, smart musician boyfriend, Julian; and a beloved camera that turns the most fleeting moments of her day-to-day routine into precious, permanent memories.

But when Audrey realizes that she’s pregnant, she feels something—a tightly sealed box in the closet corners of her heart—crack open, spilling her dormant fears and unanswered questions all over the life she loves.

Almost two decades ago, a girl in Audrey’s situation made a choice, one that started Audrey’s entire story. Now Audrey is paralyzed by her own what-ifs and terrified by the distance she feels growing between her and Rose. Down every possible path is a different unfamiliar version of her life, and as she weighs the options in her mind, she starts to wonder—what does it even mean to be Audrey Spencer?

Rebecca Barrow’s bright, honest debut novel about chance, choice, and unconditional love is a heartfelt testament to creating the future you truly want, one puzzle piece at a time.

What are you guys waiting on this week? Let me know!


  1. Oh, this sounds like a really touching story. I hope Audrey can find some peace and happiness!

  2. I love stories of Adoption and I especially am addicted to coming-of age tales - this one is a full genesis of both. Esp of the ambiguous losses you can have in life and the strength which is needed to be found to deal with the unexpected bits which can throw off your sense of self. The beautiful part is this sounds like it was written in a good tone for YA readers whilst giving adults who love YA something to chew on as well. I'll definitely be marking this as a #MustRead if only to see how the author treated the story and carried out the ending! Blessed for that!

    I shared my #WaitingOnWednesday today as a special showcase my 1st unboxing!

  3. I am set to read this one soon. This history repeating itself thing has me intrigued.

  4. This is new to me. It sounds super intriguing.

  5. This sounds good and I really like this cover. Great pick!

  6. Pretty cover. Doeesn't sound like one I would read, but I try to read every book I win and some of these types are gems. I hope you enjoy it.

    sherry @ fundinmental

  7. This almost makes me want to cry just reading the excerpt...might need to check this out :)

  8. Doesn't it though! Thanks for stopping by Angela!

  9. Oh I'm glad that you added it to your must read list. I hope we both enjoy it! Thanks so much for stopping by Jorie!

  10. Oh have you finished it yet? Did you enjoy it? Thanks for stopping by Sam!

  11. I know, right? I hope we both enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by Patti!

  12. No. I bumped it for a library book loan that came in, and then another book loan came in, but I will read it soon.
