
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Top Ten Books for Back to School

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Back to School Freebie.

I decided to go for books that I've read recently (within the last two years) that focused on a school setting (high school and college).

  1. PS I Like You by Kasie West (high school) - review coming soon
  2. Bright Side (Bright Side, # 1) by Kim Holden (college) - review coming soon
  3. Punk 57 by Penelope Davis (high school)
  4. These Things I've Done by Rebecca Phillips (high school)
  5. Coming Up for Air (Hundred Oaks, # 8) by Miranda Kenneally (high school)
  6. Love and First Sight by Josh Sundquist (high school)
  7. By Your Side by Kasie West (high school)
  8. Perfect Chemistry (Perfect Chemistry, # 1) by Simone Elkeles (high school)
  9. Rules of Attraction (Perfect Chemistry, # 2) by Simone Elkeles (high school)
  10. Walk the Edge (Thunder Road, # 2) by Katie McGarry (high school)

This was harder than I expected when I looked at how many books aren't set in school at all (mostly fantasy) and how many might have mentioned school but it wasn't really a focus. What books are your favorites that really focus on a high school or college setting? Let me know!


  1. PS I Like You was something that I thought I was going to dislike, but it's now on my favorite-list!!
    Great post :)

  2. Great list! I really want to read P.S. I love You!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  3. Not my usual reading fare, but sometimes a book outside the usual really surprises me.

    sherry @ fundinmental

  4. I've not read any of these, but after reading some of your reviews, I'll definitely be looking some of them up! Here is my TTT

  5. Oh yay! I'm glad to find another fan! I had to turn around and do a re-read for PS I Like You too! Thanks for commenting Esther!

  6. Oh great! I hope you find something that you enjoy! Thanks for stopping by Poinsettia!
