
Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sunday Post & Stacking the Shelves - 06/24/18

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Monday and Tuesday were pretty normal days around here. Wednesday, Holly and her mom took me and the kids out to eat lunch for my birthday. We went to a local Japanese restaurant. Delicious. Thursday was my actual birthday. That was a fairly normal day too. Husband gave me my presents before leaving for work (two books and a new vacuum cleaner). Then the kids and I went for a walk like normal. Husband also picked up takeout for dinner so I didn't have to cook. The rest of the week was low key as well. Nothing really going on. I have gotten a few books finished this week which is awesome. Two of them have been in the works for a long time, and both of those are also series enders so I get to count them towards my challenge too!


Monday: Review of Wild Blue Wonder by Carlie Sorosiak (3.5 Stars)
Tuesday: Top Ten Summer 2018 TBR List
Wednesday: Can't Wait for Five Years Gone by Marie Force


Monday: Review of One Small Thing by Erin Watt
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday?
Wednesday: Can't Wait for Wednesday

Don’t forget to link up for the 2018 Series Enders Reading Challenge! You have until December 15th, 2018 to sing up. Each month there will be a giveaway for those participating with an end of the year giveaway too! Click on the picture below or the link above to find out more!

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

Say You'll Remember Me

By: Katie McGarry

Expected Publication: January 30th 2018 by Harlequin Teen

400 pages

Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary

Source: Personal Kindle Library (Birthday present from Husband)

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--When Drix was convicted of a crime--one he didn't commit--he thought his life was over. But opportunity came with the new Second Chance Program, the governor's newest pet project to get delinquents off the streets, rehabilitated and back into society. Drix knows this is his chance to get his life back on track, even if it means being paraded in front of reporters for a while.

Elle knows she lives a life of privilege. As the governor's daughter, she can open doors with her name alone. But the expectations and pressure to be someone she isn't may be too much to handle. She wants to follow her own path, whatever that means.

When Drix and Elle meet, their connection is immediate, but so are their problems. Drix is not the type of boy Elle's parents have in mind for her, and Elle is not the kind of girl who can understand Drix's messy life.

But sometimes love can breach all barriers.

Fighting against a society that can't imagine them together, Drix and Elle must push themselves--Drix to confront the truth of the robbery, and Elle to assert her independence--and each other to finally get what they deserve.

Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child

By: Anthony M Esolen

Expected Publication: November 5th 2010 by Intercollegiate Studies Institute

256 pages

Genre: Nonfiction, Parenting

Source: Personal Kindle Library (Birthday present from Husband)

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Esolen shows how imagination is snuffed out at practically every turn, and then he confronts contemporary trends in parenting and schooling by reclaiming lost traditions. This practical, insightful book is essential reading for any parent.

A Stranger at Fellsworth (Treasures of Surrey, # 3)

By: Sarah E Ladd

Expected Publication: May 16th 2017 by Thomas Nelson

336 pages

Genre: Adult, Historical Fiction, Christian Fiction, Regency

Source: Personal Kindle Library

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Could losing everything be the best thing to happen to Annabelle Thorley?

In the fallout of her deceased father’s financial ruin, Annabelle’s prospects are looking bleak. Her fiancĂ© has called off their betrothal, and now she remains at the mercy of her controlling and often cruel brother. Annabelle soon faces the fact that her only hope for a better life is to do the unthinkable and run away to Fellsworth, the home of her long-estranged aunt and uncle, where a teaching position awaits her. Working for a wage for the first time in her life forces Annabelle to adapt to often unpleasant situations as friendships and roles she’s taken for granted are called into question.

Owen Locke is unswerving in his commitments. As a widower and father, he is fiercely protective of his only daughter. As an industrious gamekeeper, he is intent on keeping poachers at bay even though his ambition has always been to eventually purchase land that he can call his own. When a chance encounter introduces him to the lovely Annabelle Thorley, his steady life is shaken. For the first time since his wife’s tragic death, Owen begins to dream of a second chance at love.

As Owen and Annabelle grow closer, ominous forces threaten the peace they thought they’d found. Poachers, mysterious strangers, and murderers converge at Fellsworth, forcing Annabelle and Owen to a test of fortitude and bravery to stop the shadow of the past from ruining their hopes for the future.

Dance of Thieves (Dance of Thieves, # 1)

By: Mary E Pearson

Expected Publication: August 7th 2018 by Henry Holt & Company

384 pages

Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--A new novel in the New York Times–bestselling Remnant Chronicles universe, in which a reformed thief and the young leader of an outlaw dynasty lock wits in a battle that may cost them their lives—and their hearts.

When the patriarch of the Ballenger empire dies, his son, Jase, becomes its new leader. Even nearby kingdoms bow to the strength of this outlaw family, who have always governed by their own rules. But a new era looms on the horizon, set in motion by a young queen, which makes her the target of the dynasty's resentment and anger.

At the same time, Kazi, a legendary former street thief, is sent by the queen to investigate transgressions against the new settlements. When Kazi arrives in the forbidding land of the Ballengers, she learns that there is more to Jase than she thought. As unexpected events spiral out of their control, bringing them intimately together, they continue to play a cat and mouse game of false moves and motives in order to fulfill their own secret missions.

That's it for my shelves and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you add to your shelves this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!


  1. Happy birthday! And hooray for getting new books!

  2. I'm glad you had quite a birthday! Some good looking books you got. Have a great week! Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. Say You'll Remember Me sounds great. I have yet to read a book by Katie McGarry, but her books always sound so good. Happy birthday!!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  4. Happy birthday! I don’t think I’ve ever had Japanese food. I’d love to try it. Enjoy your new books! Have a great week!

  5. Holly @ Words Fueled by LoveJune 25, 2018 at 11:30 AM

    So excited for you to get Dance of Thieves. I requested it but haven't heard and honestly I'm not reading much this year so I don't know that I'd get around to it any time soon anyway. But I did love her other books!

  6. Sounds like a great week.

    sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes

  7. I hear good things about Katie McGarry as an author. Have a great week!

  8. Thanks Anne! It was a very nice birthday! Hope you have a great week too!

  9. Oh I love Katie McGarry. She's an auto-buy author for me. Hope you get a chance to read something by her soon. Thanks for stopping by Krystianna!

  10. Oh it's delicious. I don't know how authentic it is, but I do love it. Thanks so much AJ! And thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a great week too!

  11. I still need to The Beauty of Darkness! AH!!! I just keep putting it off. Maybe you'll get approved and get to it sooner than you expect.

  12. I love Katie McGarry. She's an auto-buy author for me. I hope you get a chance to read something by her. Thanks for stopping by Nicci!
