
Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Top Ten Auto-Buy Authors

Top 10 Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish, but is currently hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is Top Ten Auto-Buy Authors.

Interestingly enough, there are no 100% auto-buy authors for me. I have authors that I've read all of their published books and would certainly check out anything else they publish in the future. But I have certain topics that are just off limits. So *shrugs* this is as close as I get to an auto-buy list. I've done this topic in the past and it was interesting to go back and see which authors have fallen off my top ten list and which have remained. Here's my list from 2015 and 2013.

  1. Colleen Hoover - So I've been a CoHort from way back when. Slammed was my first read by her when it was available on NetGalley. I've loved all of her books and have read each and every one of them.
  2. Kasie West - I've read all of her published books. And since her content has always been clean I can pretty much guarantee that unless my reading tastes drastically change I'll always count Kasie West as an auto-buy author.
  3. Mary E Pearson - I still have Mary E Pearson's earliest releases to read, but since the Remnant Chronicles I at least want to check out everything else she decides to do.
  4. Sarah J Maas - Confession: I don't actually own any of her books although I've read all but Kingdom of Ash (cutting my eyes at you Holly). I've just borrowed them all from Holly. But all of her books are good enough to own, and certainly good enough to make this list. I can see where she might one day venture into territory that I'm not up for, but I'll always look into her books.
  5. Amy Harmon - There are quite a few that Amy Harmon has written that I still haven't read, but all of the ones by her that I have read have been really good. I'm skeptical of What the Wind Knows because it is about time travel, and I don't usually enjoy that subject.
  6. Katie McGarry - I've read all of Katie McGarry's books and haven't found one that I didn't like. Will definitely continue to check her books out in the future.
  7. KA Tucker - Another author that I've read all of her releases. Wait no. I take that back. She has some very early releases that I haven't read even though I own the first one. I need to get around to that one soon.
  8. Robin LaFevers - I always hesitate to add authors to lists like this when I've only read a few of their books or only one series because a different series could be vastly different. But I think I can trust her writing to be good.
  9. Kristi Ann Hunter - Christian Historical Fiction - You can't go wrong. Well...maybe you could, but Kristi Ann Hunter has never led me astray. Probably an actual auto-buy author for me.
  10. Jenn Bennett - Ok so Jenn Bennett is a tricky one. I've loved everything I've read from her, and I certainly want to read more of her books. However, I do know that she can trickle into subject matter that I'm not a fan of, and one of her books hasn't gotten the best reviews. So...we'll see.

Which authors are on your auto-buy List? Let me know!


  1. I only have two authors on my auto-buy list, so my list was also mostly auto-read! I want to read Kasie West and more from Jenn Bennett!

  2. The First Girl Child sounds so interesting.

    My TTT.

  3. Jessica @ a GREAT readJuly 16, 2019 at 3:53 PM

    Ooh nice ones! Seeing a lot of Sarah J. Maas today! Not surprising! Lol! I LOVED her ACOTAR series, but couldn't get into her TOG one.

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Kasie West and Katie McGarry have been on my auto-buy list for a long time, but Bennett is a newer edition, and gosh, I adore her books. Hoover is always good for an emotional read, and I am reading my very first KA Tucker book soon.

  5. I love Kasie West and Jenn Bennett. Colleen Hoover is great too! You a few new-to-me authors on your list that I need to check out!

  6. I adore the cover of Vow of Thieves! 👍✨

  7. I've read a few of Jenn Bennett's books, but I haven't read any books by the other authors. Oops!

  8. I think I'll look into some of these, I am always looking for more wholesome recommendations for my teenage niece. All the covers you chose are striking especially Starry Eyes, The First Girl Child and Vow of Thieves👀❤
