Monday, July 1, 2024

June 2024 EOM Wrap Up

I read 4 books (not including children's books). *These qualify for the 2024 Series Enders Reading Challenge.
The Lady Glass by Anneka R Walker
Romancing Mr. Bridgerton (The Bridgertons, # 4) by Julia Quinn
The Wild Robot (The Wild Robot, # 1) by Peter Brown
A Game of Hearts (The Cartwells, # 1) by Joanna Barker

I have reviewed 4 books (not including mini reviews of children's books). *These qualify for the 2024 Series Enders Reading Challenge.
To Love the Brooding Baron (Games in a Ballroom, # 2) by Jentry Flint
Trial of the Sun Queen (Artefacts of Ouranos, # 1) by Nisha J Tuli
Highcliffe House by Megan Walker
Going Rogue (Stephanie Plum, # 29) by Janet Evanovich

Other Posts:
Sunday Post - 06/02/24
Sunday Post - 06/16/24
Sunday Post - 06/23/24
Sunday Post - 06/30/24
Top Ten Summer 2024 TBR List
Can't Wait for Lady Anna's Favor by Karen Tuft
Can't Wait for No Match for Love by Karen Thornell
Can't Wait for A Dawn of Gods and Fury (Fate & Flame, # 4) by KA Tucker
2024 Series Enders Reading Challenge - June Wrap Up
Homeschool Friday - I Can Help
Homeschool Friday - No Kisses, Please!
Homeschool Friday - Oops! I Made a Mistake
Homeschool Friday - Pup and Hound

I'm a few days ahead on my Bible-in-a-year plan.
I've read 42 out of 52 books (not including children's books).
I've read 2 out of 5-10 series enders.