
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday Post - 53 & Stacking the Shelves - 26

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

This week actually went faster than I thought. I got hooked into the NetGalley trap again, despite the growing anxiety that comes with my TBR list in my possession! I can't seem to help myself.


15 Day Book Blogger Challenge - Day 1
Review of Losing Hope (Hopeless, # 2) by Colleen Hoover
15 Day Book Blogger Challenege - Day 2
Top Ten Best/Worst Book to Movie Adaptation - Bookish people are serious about their movie adaptations...LESSON LEARNED
15 Day Book Blogger Challenge - Day 3
Waiting on Origin (Lux, # 4) by Jennifer L Armentrout
15 Day Book Blogger Challenge - Day 4
Review of Succubus Blues (Georgina Kincaid, # 1) by Richelle Mead (4 Stars)
15 Day Book Blogger Challenge - Day 5
Blog Tour Stop: Review of Bait (Order of Spirit Realm, # 1) by KC Blake, & 4th of July Giveaway Ended
15 Day Book Blogger Challenge - Day 6
Sunday (Today):
15 Day Book Blogger Challenge - Day 7


Review of This Girl (Slammed, # 3) by Colleen Hoover
15 Day Book Blogger Challenge - Day 8
Top Ten Tuesday: Authors Who Deserve More Recognition
15 Day Book Blogger Challenge - Day 9
Waiting on Wednesday
15 Day Book Blogger Challenge - Day 10
Review of Angel of Mercy (Cambion, # 3) by Shannon Dermott
15 Day Book Blogger Challenge - Day 11
From the Ashes: Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy, # 1) by Richelle Mead
15 Day Book Blogger Challenge - Day 12
15 Day Book Blogger Challenge - Day 13
15 Day Book Blogger Challenge - Day 14

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

In Your Dreams (In Your Dreams, # 1)

By: Amy Martin

Published: August 2012 by Amy Martin

253 pages

Genre: YA, Fantasy

Source: Author in exchange for an honest review

( Goodreads | Amazon | The Book Depository | )

*Note: The above links to Amazon, The Book Depository, and are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Sixteen-year-old Zara "Zip" McKee lives for three things: basketball, books, and bailing out of tiny Titusville, Illinois, where the junior high and high school are in the same building and everyone's known everyone else since birth. But when Kieran Lanier moves to town and passes out on her desk on his first day at school, Zip's life gets complicated in a way she never dreamed.

Kieran has narcolepsy, and although he sometimes struggles to stay awake, he has no trouble capturing Zip's heart and trusting her with his most guarded secret--he sees bits and pieces of the future in his dreams.

But just when Zip thinks that maybe she can handle having a boyfriend who sees things before they happen, her budding relationship with Kieran gets a jolt when Kieran's parents reveal that his sleeping disorder is not what it seems and may be putting them in harm's way. And when Zip begins to have unsettling dreams, she must decide if she can live with knowing the future in advance when she's afraid of what might happen.

*Recommended for Young Adult readers 13 and up (mild cursing, some adult situations)

As You Wake (In Your Dreams, # 2)

By: Amy Martin

Published: April 2013 by Amy Martin

293 pages

Genre: YA, Fantasy

Source: Author in exhcange for an honest review

( Goodreads | Amazon | The Book Depository | )

*Note: The above links to Amazon, The Book Depository, and are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Zara "Zip" McKee and Kieran Lanier thought they had put the threats from Kieran's past behind them in the first installment of the In Your Dreams series. But when danger comes for them once again, Zip, Kieran, and their families find themselves on separate summer road trips that none of them had anticipated. When all paths converge in North Carolina, the two families are forced to deal with each other and the secrets they've kept out of love and fear.

But Kieran is keeping the biggest secret of all from everyone but Zip. He hasn’t had a dream—about the future, about anything—for months. And while Zip and Kieran are grappling with what the new twist in Kieran’s sleeping disorder might mean, a mysterious stranger reveals information that could change Kieran's life--or end it.


By: Mira Grant

Expected Publication: October 29th 2013 by Orbit

512 pages

Genre: Science Fiction, Horror, Dystopian

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!)

( Goodreads | Amazon | The Book Depository | )

*Note: The above links to Amazon, The Book Depository, and are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--A decade in the future, humanity thrives in the absence of sickness and disease.

We owe our good health to a humble parasite - a genetically engineered tapeworm developed by the pioneering SymboGen Corporation. When implanted, the tapeworm protects us from illness, boosts our immune system - even secretes designer drugs. It's been successful beyond the scientists' wildest dreams. Now, years on, almost every human being has a SymboGen tapeworm living within them.

But these parasites are getting restless. They want their own lives...and will do anything to get them.

Deeper We Fall (Fall and Rise, # 1)

By: Chelsea M Camerson

Published: January 2013 by DRC Publishing

453 pages

Genre: New Adult, Contemporary

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!)

( Goodreads | Amazon | The Book Depository | )

*Note: The above links to Amazon, The Book Depository, and are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Two years after her best friend was involved in a car accident that caused a traumatic brain injury, Lottie Anders is ready to start her freshman year of college. Ready to move on. Ready to start forgetting the night that ripped her life apart.

Her plans come to a screeching halt when not one, but both brothers responsible for the accident end up back in her life again.

Zack is cruel, selfish and constantly rubbing what happened to her friend in Lottie's face.

Zan is different. He listens to her awkward ramblings. He loves "To Kill a Mockingbird" as much as she does, and his dark eyes are irresistible. His words are few and far between, but when he does speak, she can't help but listen.

The trouble is, Zan was the driver in the accident, and now Lottie's discovered he lied to her about what happened that night. Now she must decide if trusting him again will lead to real forgiveness, or deeper heartache.

Oliver Twist

By: Charles Dickens

Published: first published 1837

554 pages

Genre: Classic

Source: Free audio download from Audiobook Sync

( Goodreads | Amazon | The Book Depository | )

*Note: The above linkes to Amazon, The Book Depository, and are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--'Let him feel that he is one of us; once fill his mind with the idea that he has been a thief, and he's ours, - ours for his life!'

The story of the orphan Oliver, who runs away from the workhouse only to be taken in by a den of thieves, shocked readers when it was first published. Dickens's tale of childhood innocence beset by evil depicts the dark criminal underworld of a London peopled by vivid and memorable characters — the arch-villain Fagin, the artful Dodger, the menacing Bill Sikes and the prostitute Nancy. Combining elements of Gothic Romance, the Newgate Novel and popular melodrama, in Oliver Twist Dickens created an entirely new kind of fiction, scathing in its indictment of a cruel society, and pervaded by an unforgettable sense of threat and mystery.

The Peculiar (The Peculiar, # 1)

By: Stefan Bachmann

Published: September 18th 2012 by Greenwillow Books

384 pages

Genre: Middle Grade, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Steampunk

Source: Free audio download from Audiobook Sync

( Goodreads | Amazon | The Book Depository | )

*Note: The above links to Amazon, The Book Depository, and are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Don't get yourself noticed and you won't get yourself hanged.

In the faery slums of Bath, Bartholomew Kettle and his sister Hettie live by these words. Bartholomew and Hettie are changelings--Peculiars--and neither faeries nor humans want anything to do with them.

One day a mysterious lady in a plum-colored dress comes gliding down Old Crow Alley. Bartholomew watches her through his window. Who is she? What does she want? And when Bartholomew witnesses the lady whisking away, in a whirling ring of feathers, the boy who lives across the alley--Bartholomew forgets the rules and gets himself noticed.

First he's noticed by the lady in plum herself, then by something darkly magical and mysterious, by Jack Box and the Raggedy Man, by the powerful Mr. Lickerish . . . and by Arthur Jelliby, a young man trying to slip through the world unnoticed, too, and who, against all odds, offers Bartholomew friendship and a way to belong.

Part murder mystery, part gothic fantasy, part steampunk adventure, The Peculiar is Stefan Bachmann's riveting, inventive, and unforgettable debut novel.

Mending the Doctor's Heart

By: Tina Radcliffe

Published: March 19th 2013 by Love Inspired

224 pages

Genre: Christian Fiction

Source: Won in an Armchair BEA Giveaway

( Goodreads | Amazon | The Book Depository | )

*Note: The above links to Amazon, The Book Depository, are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Rivals of the HeartA new job in Paradise, Colorado, seems like the perfect fresh start for Dr. Ben Rogers. Only problem is, Dr. Sara Elliott has been counting on getting the same job. Once they negotiate a shared trial run, Ben expects working with Sara to be less than pleasant. Instead, he finds himself drawn to her. She's dedicated and compassionate, exactly the type of woman he used to want—when family was an option. Yet Ben is surprised to learn that Sara's life is just as emotionally complicated as his own. And if there isn't room for both of them at work, how can they make room for each other in their hearts?

The Edge of Never (The Edge of Never, # 1)

By: JA Redmerski

Published: November 2012 by Createspace

426 pages

Genre: New Adult, Contemporary

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!)

( Goodreads | Amazon | The Book Depository | )

*Note: The above links to Amazon, The Book Depository, and are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Sometimes life takes you off course . . .


Twenty-year-old Camryn Bennett thought she knew exactly where her life was going. But after a wild night at the hottest club in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina, she shocks everyone-including herself-when she decides to leave the only life she's ever known and set out on her own. Grabbing her purse and her cell phone, Camryn boards a Greyhound bus ready to find herself. Instead, she finds Andrew Parrish.

Sexy and exciting, Andrew lives life like there is no tomorrow. He persuades Camryn to do things she never thought she would and shows her how to give in to her deepest, most forbidden desires. Soon he becomes the center of her daring new life, pulling love and lust and emotion out of her in ways she never imagined possible. But there is more to Andrew than Camryn realizes. Will his secret push them inseparably together-or destroy them forever?

Due to sexual content and language, this book is recommended for 17+ – Adult Contemporary Women’s – New Adult Fiction

That's it for my shelves and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you add to your shelves this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!


  1. Wow, you have some great-looking books to enjoy this week...thanks for sharing. And thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. Nice haul! I absolutely love The Edge of Never. Hope you enjoy them all. :)

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday's Post

  3. Parasite sounds pretty interesting. Hope it turns out good for you!

  4. Ooh, In Your Dreams looks fantastic. Parasite is on my TBR too. Hope you enjoy all your new reads. Congrats on completing one week of the Book Blogger Challenge, too! :)

    Raina @ The LUV'NV

    New GFC follower

  5. Jan@Notes from a ReaderholicJuly 14, 2013 at 9:58 AM

    You had a busy week and another busy week ahead of you, but it looks like fun. Enjoy your books!

  6. You got some good books!! And you had a busy blogging week! How do you get so many posts done?? *scratches head*

  7. Awesome haul! Parasite sounds like a really awesome book, and I love the cover of the Peculiar. It looks adorable. I think I might do the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge too, even though I'll be starting a little late haha.

    Here's my Sunday Post at Bookmunchies (:

  8. Good, good week. Wow. And some wonderful looking books. :) Hope you enjoy them and have a nice week this week.

    If you'd like to stop, I have a Sunday Post up as well...

  9. I am excited for your Vampire Academy review. It always feels like that is one series everyone but me has read. I am also interested in the Peculiar! Hope it is good!

  10. Ohh oh yeah, I also got Edge of Never. Forgot that in my post until I saw it on yours! haha. Happy reading!

  11. You
    really rocked the haul this week! Looks like you have a lot of yummy reading in
    your future! Have a great week and Happy Reading!
    Here is my WoW for this week!

  12. Thanks! I'm looking forward to diving into them!

  13. Thanks! I've heard great things about Mira Grant's other series, so I'm looking forward to it!

  14. Thanks so much for stopping by, for commenting, and for the follow!

  15. Yes, this past week has been doubly busy with participating in the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge. But it's been fun! Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Haha! I already had my normal posts scheduled, typed, and formatted. So all I really had to do was do my posts for the 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge. Believe me, this is NOT typical. But it helps that I try to stay scheduled in advance. Thanks for stopping by!

  17. Thanks. I'm looking forward to starting Parasites. And while I'm not normally a fan of MG books, The Peculiar does look really cute!

    Hey, there's nothing wrong with coming in late. Thanks for stopping by!

  18. Yes, I'm looking forward to starting them. I can't come by right now, but I promise I'll try to come by in the next day or so. Thanks so much for dropping by and commenting!

  19. Vampire Academy is probably my top favorite series. I highly recommend that you check it out. Maybe my review will persuade you! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  20. Netgalley is dangerous! I've been trying not to click request but it's getting so hard!! Lol I grabbed the Sync books this week and The Edge of Never as well. I hope you enjoy them all!

  21. You had a fantastic week, Sandy! I'm loving your Book Blogger challenge posts.
    And yes, it's super-hard to avoid overdoing it on NetGalley. I'm having to be very firm with myself: no more requests unless it's a book I'm definitely going to read anyway (i.e., even if I don't get a review copy.)

  22. I have the Edge of Never, but I haven't read it yet. And I'm really dying for Deeper we Fall.
    Great haul and thanks for stopping by!

  23. I know, right? So hard. It's fine if I can stay away from the site altogether, but if I get hooked into requesting one then I'm usually like "well let me just browse the catalog." And next thing I know I've requested 10 and 7-8 of those get approved. AH!!!! But who's complaining really? :) Thanks for stopping by!

  24. Haha...I did. It was a busy one. Glad you're enjoying the challenge posts. You should totally join up! I'm the same way. I have to just stay away from the site altogether until I've read the ones I've already been approved for...unless it's one I MUST have! :)

  25. Looking forward to getting into both of these! Thanks for stopping by!

  26. I'm in awe. It's so hard for me to schedule posts. I'm such a procrastinator, and I think I do things the hard way sometimes w/images and stuff. *sigh*

  27. I know a lot of people are so excited about Parasite -- I need to know how scary it is, so I'm going to wait and see...

  28. Haha...I actually got ahead on accident because I read a book too soon to post my review about it, and somehow I just kept ending up further and further ahead! But if you're a procrastinator by nature then well...I don't know what to tell you. I'm more of a get in there and "get 'er done" kind of gal.

    But what do you mean you think you do things the hard way with images?

  29. Nice haul! the Peculiar and As you wake sound especially good. Happy Reading!
    Here are my newest additions.
