
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Top Ten Most Memorable Secondary Characters

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten Most Memorable Secondary Characters.

I'm choosing to list the books with the most memorable characters and I'll list those characters within the books. If I only did the most memorable characters, Harry Potter would be the only book I listed and then I'd have a hard time deciding WHICH book in the series to use. Also, sometimes it's hard to tell who is considered a main character and who is considered a secondary character.

    1) Harry Potter by JK Rowling - The Weasleys, specifically the twins, Lee Jordan, Luna Lovegood, Nevelle, Mad-Eye Moody, Tunks, Doby, Creature, Hagrid, Snape, Dumbledore, McGonagol, Sirius Black...I could keep going.
    2) The Fault in Our Stars by John Green - Isaac and Peter van Houten
    3) Partials by Dan Wells - Marcus and Fragments - Afa
    4) Hopeless by Colleen Hoover - Six and Losing Hope - Daniel
    5) Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth Wein - Roz'a, Lissett, Karolina, Irina, Anna, Elodie
    6) Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi- Roar
    7) Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead- Eddie Castile
    8) Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor- Zuzana
    9) Stephanie Plum by Janet Evanovich - Lula
    10) Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley - Poet

Who are your favorite secondary characters? Which books hold the most memorable secondary characters for you? Let me know!


  1. THANK YOU! I've seen tons of Adrians, Christians, Lissas and Dimitris. But you are the first person that I've seen mention Eddie - besides me, of course. :) Good choice.
    TTT @ Krista's Dust Jacket

  2. Great list! Isaac and Luna are also on mine.
    My TTT

    @ So Bookalicious

  3. Candice @ The Grown-Up YAAugust 27, 2013 at 9:36 AM

    I LOVED Peter van Houten! I mean, he was a total jerk, but he was so interesting. And hooray for Roar! Loooove him!

  4. I have seen Lula on several lists now and I am sad I forgot to add her to my own :(

  5. There are so many great secondary characters in HP and Rose Under Fire. It IS impossible to choose just one. I also love Poet from Graffiti Moon. ALMOST put him on my list but he didn't make the final cut. He's so fascinating though, and I love his poetry.

  6. Great list!! I really need to start reading the Vampire Academy. I've heard nothing but praise for it and it seems like every list, but mine has a character from it,
    Old follower
    my TTT

  7. For Harry Potter I would choose Ron Weasley and for Steph Plum series I would choose Grandma--I didn't pick these books but they are the only ones I read from your list. Good choices!

  8. Sarah @ Girl!ReporterAugust 27, 2013 at 12:15 PM

    Lula is definitely on my list, she's still hilarious 19 books in, even though other parts of the series are starting to lag.

    Here's my TTT.

  9. Oh yes, I love Adrian, Christian, Lissa and Drimitri too. Lissa, Dimitri, and Christian I was thinking of as more main characters which I guess they're really not--maybe Lissa. And then Adrian has his own series it was definitely time to give Eddie some love! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Sweet! I love to see ones I have in common with others! Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Oh yes, total jerk, but packed with personality. Definitely memorable. And yes, love Roar! Thanks for stopping by!

  12. Someone else commented on my post about Grandma Mazur...that's a totally great one to add to the list too! Thanks for stopping by!

  13. I completely agree. I'm so glad to find another Poet fan. Graffiti Moon doesn't get the love I think it deserves. Thanks for stopping by!

  14. Oh yes. Overall it's probably my favorite YA series. Highly recommend it! Thanks for stopping by!

  15. YES Grandma Mazur! I can't believe I forgot her! Even Vinny is a hoot! I like Ron, but I think of his as more of a main character than secondary, but I guess not really. Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Oh yes! Lula gets a laugh out loud out of me in almost every book. I love her! Thanks for stopping by!

  17. I completely agree if I did this Harry Potter would dominate so I like how you broke it down like you did. Zuzanna is such a good character too. Great list!

  18. Awwww AFA! I loved him, too! TOo many good characters to pick from! <3

  19. I love Peabody from J.D. Robb's books. I prefer her character to the main character Eve.

  20. great list! Love all those HP characters:) Ahh, I forgot Eddie, he's amazing!

    TTT @ Eveline's Books

  21. Exactly! You're the first person to respond to Zuzana! I love her quirky character! Thanks so much!

  22. Thanks girl! Eddie definitely needs some love!

  23. Huh, I haven't read any JD Robb books! Thanks for stopping by!

  24. I know! Definitely too many! I kept seeing characters on other people's lists where I was like "I can't believe I forgot that one." Thanks for stopping by!
