
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Sunday Post - 118 & Stacking the Shelves - 81

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

This was a good week. I had success on a research task I was doing for work that had me ready to celebrate. Then Husband's birthday was Friday. We went to see Gone Girl after work. I haven't read the book so I won't be doing a movie review of that one, but I did enjoy the movie. I will also say that those people are CRAZY! Husband didn't get many presents from me this year because his main gift was kind of pricey--a PS4. Saturday I had a hair appointment. It feels so good to get my hair done. And then Husband and I worked on our laundry room some more. I was painting corners and Husband was putting up our light fixture. I also put out the Halloween decorations FINALLY!


Monday: All Things Halloween Review of The Fall by Bethany Griffin (4 Stars)
Tuesday: Top Ten Character Driven Books
Wednesday: Waiting on Frostfire (Kanin Chronicles, # 1) by Amanda Hocking
Thursday: All Things Halloween Review of Illusions of Fate by Kiersten White (4 Stars) & Cover Reveal of Pull (Push, # 2) by Claire Wallis
Friday: All Things Halloween Review of The Evolution of Mara Dyer (Mara Dyer, # 2) by Michelle Hodkin (4.5 Stars)


Monday: All Things Halloween Review of I Hunt Killers (Jasper Dent, # 1) by Barry Lyga
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday
Wednesday: Waiting on Wednesday
Thursday: All Things Halloween Review of Game (Jasper Dent, # 2) by Barry Lyga
Friday: All Things Halloween Review of Blood of My Blood (Jasper Dent, # 3) by Barry Lyga

Don't forget to sign up for the 2014 Series Enders Reading Challenge! Each month there will be a giveaway for those participating with a BIG giveaway at the end of the year! Click on the picture below or the link above to find out more!

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

An Endless Summer (Summer, # 2)

By: CJ Duggan

Published: July 11th 2013

311 pages

Genre: Young Adult, New Adult, Contemporary

Source: Personal Kindle Library

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Sean looked out over the lake, squinting against the sunlight. He turned to me, his expression sobering as his eyes flicked over my face in a silent study.

“Come on Amy, I saved you once, I’ll save you again.”
I met his stare unflinchingly. “I don’t need saving.”
A wicked grin formed slowly. “Don’t you?”

After a rebellious summer night that almost claimed her life, Amy Henderson – the Onslow publican’s only daughter – is sent away to suffer a fate far worse than any other punishment:

Boarding School.

Three years on, a now nineteen-year-old Amy returns to Onslow for the summer. What once was a cauldron of activity with live bands, hot meals and cold beers, the Onslow Hotel now lies dark, deserted and depressing. All fond childhood memories of loitering on the hotel stairs and eavesdropping on customers’ colourful conversations are in the distant past.

How had her dad let it come to this?

With the new threat of putting the Onslow up for sale, Amy reluctantly turns to a local tradesman for help: Sean Murphy, the very same Onslow boy who saved her life all those years ago. With his help and that of some old friends, the task is clear: spend the summer building the hotel back up to its former glory or lose it for good.

In an endless summer, Amy soon realises that sometimes in order to save your future, you have to face your past, even if it’s in the form of a smug, gorgeous Onslow boy.

Finding Mr. Brightside

By: Jay Clark

Published: March 24th 2015 by Henry Holt and Co. (BYR)

288 pages

Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Abram and Juliette know each other. They’ve lived down the street from each other their whole lives. But they don’t really know each other—at least, not until Juliette’s mom and Abram’s dad have a torrid affair that culminates in a deadly car crash. The funeral is uncomfortable, to say the least. They don’t speak.

Fast forward to the neighborhood pharmacy, a few months later. Abram is on Paxil. Juliette is on Adderall. Abram decides to say hello. Then he decides to invite her to Taco Bell. To both of their surprise, she agrees. And the real love story begins.

Blue Lily, Lily Blue (The Raven Cycle, # 3)

By: Maggie Stiefvater

Expected Publication: October 28th 2014 by Scholastic Press

416 pages

Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon | Book Depository )

*Note: The above links to Amazon and Book Depository are affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--The third installment in the mesmerizing series from the irrepressible, #1 NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author Maggie Stiefvater.

There is danger in dreaming. But there is even more danger in waking up.

Blue Sargent has found things. For the first time in her life, she has friends she can trust, a group to which she can belong. The Raven Boys have taken her in as one of their own. Their problems have become hers, and her problems have become theirs.

The trick with found things though, is how easily they can be lost.

Friends can betray.
Mothers can disappear.
Visions can mislead.
Certainties can unravel.

That's it for my shelves and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you add to your shelves this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!


  1. PS4 would be my ideal gift Lol. Hope he had a happy birthday!
    I recently had my hair done at a saloon it's been forever since I last had a real hair session it really is nice to pamper yourself every so often :)

    Have a great week! and Happy Reading!!!

  2. I'm hopefully going to see Gone Girl this week, I've heard good things about it and hope it lives up to my expectations. I enjoyed reading all of the descriptions for the books you featured, thanks for sharing.

  3. Sounds like you had a fun week! Congrats to your husband! And a ps4, that's an awesome present! I own a ps3 and ps2 and I always enjoyed playing games on them. I wish I had more time to game lately.
    Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

  4. I finished Blue Lily, Lily Blue earlier this week and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! I also ADORE the Summer series by CJ Duggan, I'm always excited when I stumble across another blogger who is reading the series =D

  5. It sounds like you had a great week! Gone Girl looks really good, did you enjoy the movie?

    And you have some amazing books this week, I hope you enjoy them all!

    My Showcase Sunday @ So Bookalicious

  6. Holly @ Words Fueled by LoveOctober 12, 2014 at 4:25 PM

    Great books this week! That second I thought was a sequel because the cover looks so familiar....I can't think of it but it seems there's another book with a very similar cover theme. I hope you enjoy them! Also - I didn't realize until after I signed up that you had also signed up for the Black Friday book bonanza! Great minds, I tell you! ;)

  7. I've heard great things about Maggie Stiefvater and am really wanting to try her books. Happy birthday to your husband! A PS4 sounds like a pretty great gift! I've read Gone Girl and am not sure I want to see the movie despite the fact that I adore the casting. Those people are so crazy I'm not sure I want to revisit their messed up world! Have a great week!

  8. I've heard so much about Gone Girl. I want to see the movie and read the book. Looks wonderful. Great list of books you have! Have a great week!

  9. I was hoping to go see Gone Girl. Maybe next Friday. I have a vacation day.
    A lot of people are talking about MMaggies books latley. I really should try them. The covers along are awesome:)
    Here is my Sunday Post -

  10. The Raven Cycle book looks amazing (what a gorgeous cover!), but I must admit I've still got the first two in my TBR pile so it'll be a while before I can read the latest. When a new book in a series comes out I always have to move the ones I've not read yet higher up my TBR list in the hope that one day I'll catch up.

    Have a great week :)

  11. Someday I'll get back to the Raven Cycle book! I really enjoyed where the first book was leading, but I haven't been compelled to pick up book 2 yet. I wonder if it will be a trilogy or if they'll be more! I hope you enjoy this one!

  12. Nice haul this week. I love the look of Finding Mr Brightside. It looks like a great read, has an awesome cover and gets me singing The Killers. I hope you enjoy all of your reads this week :) Here's my STS.

  13. I don't think Finding Mr. Brightside is a sequel, but I'm sure there probably is a similar cover out there. Yep...This will be my 3rd year for the Black Friday book bonanza. I haven't actually done a giveaway aside from the Series Enders challenge in a WHILE! So I figured it was about time!

  14. I've really enjoyed Maggie Stiefvater. The Raven Boys was my least favorite book I've read by her, but The Dream Thieves was better and I can't wait to see how Blue Lily, Lily Blue is. Thanks Katherine. He's been enjoying his new gift so far. I definitely understand not being sure about seeing the movie after reading the book. I enjoyed the movie, but I think once with those crazy characters might be enough. :) Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  15. I hope you're able to read Gone Girl and see the movie before too long. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Yvonne!

  16. Ooo...Vacation Day, nice! I have really liked all of Maggie Stiefvater's books minus the first in this series. I've definitely loved the covers for sure! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Laura!

  17. Yes, we have three birthdays this month in my family alone and I have a couple of other friends with birthdays in October as well. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Nyze! Happy birthday to your son also!

  18. Honestly The Raven Boys was not my favorite Maggie Stiefvater book, but I've loved all of her other books. The series definitely got better with the 2nd book. I definitely understand not being able to get to all the ones you want to though. There are just too many good ones out there. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Kat!

  19. The first book has been my least favorite Maggie Stiefvater book out of all of her books I've read. But the 2nd book in the series gets better and I'm hoping that book 3 is even better. As far as I know there are 4 books planned for this series. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Becky!

  20. Thanks Michelle! Oh've got a Christmas present already? :) That's awesome. I have to say that I didn't love The Raven Boys, but The Dream Thieves was much better and I'm hoping that Blue Lily, Lily Blue will be even better. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  21. Thanks! I'm excited about reading that one. It doesn't publish for a while, so there's no rush. Definitely understand you starting to sing The Killers! I've been doing the same thing. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  22. I am currently reading Game (Dent #2) and enjoying it. Have a great week.

  23. Hope you enjoy it Nise! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  24. Yay for good weeks! :D I saw Gone Girl too! I haven't read the book either, but I thought the movie was really good. Definitely no thanks on being friends with the Dunnes, right?

    I can't decide if I want to read Finding Mr. Brightside! I have actually agonized over it. :) I think I'll wait for some reviews and decide! BLUE LILY, LILY BLUE--I'm so glad you got accepted!!!

  25. HAHA!!! Definitely a big fat no to being friends with them. :) No way! Glad you enjoyed the movie too.

    Hmm...yeah, I debated on whether to request it or not and ended up going with it. Since it doesn't release until next year, it has been moved toward the bottom of my review stack. Hope I don't lose interest before time comes to read it. :) Definitely glad I got my BL,LB. :) Will be starting that soon. Thanks for stopping by Rachel!

  26. Happy birthday to your husband! A ps4 is an awesome present! I got an Xbox One for my Christmas, lol....kinda early but oh well. :P I've been meaning to start The Raven Cycle books, but I just haven't gotten around to it.

  27. He did have a good birthday. Thank you Michelle! It definitely feels good to get pampered every now and then. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  28. I hope it lives up to your expectations too Whitney! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  29. Thanks Lola! He's really enjoying it so far! I definitely don't have time to play with him as often as he or I would like. Hope you have a great week!

  30. Oh I'm so glad to hear good things about Blue Lily, Lily Blue. And I'm with you, I've enjoyed both books 1 and 2 of the Summer series. I can't wait to read the others in the series. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Emily!

  31. I did enjoy the movie. I don't know how accurate it was since I haven't read the book, but I think they movie was well done. Thanks for stopping by and commenting El!
