
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Top Ten 2016 Releases I Didn't Read

Top 10 Tuesday is a post hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is Top Ten 2016 Releases I Didn't Read.

  1. Built (Saints of Denver, # 1) by Jay Crownover
  2. Never Never Pt 3 (Never Never, # 1) by Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher - I have in my possession and it's even short, but I've heard that it was kind of a let down so I've been putting it off.
  3. Riders (Riders, # 1) by Veronica Rossi
  4. Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices, # 1) by Cassandra Clare - Also in my possession. I think it's the length of this one that's had me waiting to start it.
  5. The Great Hunt (Eurona Duology, # 1) by Wendy Higgins - I actually got this one as a review book LAST YEAR! I started it, but it wasn't hooking my attention. Holly enjoyed it so I know I want to come back to it.
  6. The Raven King (The Raven Cycle, # 4) by Maggie Stiefvater - I really have no excuse on this one. I own it, but I've just been trying to catch up on review books.
  7. The Season of You and Me by Robin Constantine - I got approved for this one for review, but there was issues downloading it. I was so bummed.
  8. The Last Star (The 5th Wave, # 3) by Rick Yancey - Also in my possession, but again I'm putting it off because I've heard it wasn't the best ending to the series that I've enjoyed so much.
  9. PS I Like You by Kasie West - No excuses. I hope my library gets this one soon.
  10. The Beauty of Darkness (The Remnant Chronicles, # 3) by Mary E Pearson - Also one I own. I just got it for Christmas so hopefully I'll pick it up soon.
  11. Harry Potter & the Cursed Child (Harry Potter, # 8) by JK Rowling & Jack Thorne - Sheesh, I think I own almost all of these books on my list. I own this one too, but only in hardcopy and those aren't as easy to read these days running around chasing my one year old.
  12. Three Dark Crowns (Three Dark Crowns, # 1) by Kendare Blake - I've got this one for review, but I saw the ratings start coming in for it and since it wasn't getting high marks I keep putting it off.
  13. Heartless by Marissa Meyer - specific reason for not picking this one up yet either.

Are there any of these that I need to move up to the top of my TBR list immediately? Which books did you not get around to in 2016? Let me know!


  1. I would recommend Three Dark Crowns - it starts off kinda slow, but the ending is really great - and the sequel is supposed to come out this year!

  2. I have PS I Like You and Heartless on my list too. I own Heartless but haven't gotten to it yet. I did read the new Harry Potter tho! I loved it. My husband said he liked it but not as much as the others. I hope you get to read it soon

  3. I need to read The Last Star just to get it out of the way and finally finish a series!
    Thank you for stopping at our TTT.
    Check out our blog sometime next, week we will do a Valentine's giveaway.
    Just Us Book Blog.

  4. Three Dark Crowns was on my list this week too. I really liked Heartless when I read it, I loved The Raven King and enjoyed The Cursed Child (but more as a separate piece from HP than a continuation).

    My TTT:

  5. I didn't get to any of these either. I definitely want to check out Three Dark Crowns and The Cursed Child!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  6. I completely forgot The Last Star even existed - oops! I definitely need to get around to it, because The 5th Wave is one of my favourite books of all time.
    I also didn't get around to Heartless, but because it's not being published in the UK until February I don't feel as guilty about that one. I probably still won't have read it in time, though...

  7. Julia @ Read and Live WellJanuary 10, 2017 at 3:07 PM

    There's a few pretty popular books in your list! I don't tend to read these books but see them EVERYWHERE so I'm sure you'll enjoy them, when you get to them :)

  8. I thought the Last Star was a lot better than the second book. The Raven King didn't quite live up to the rest of the series for me but still a good read. :)

  9. PSI Like You, Heartless and Three Dark Crowns are all brilliant! HP is on my list too but I totally forgot Never Never! My TTT

  10. So many good ones on your list, Sandy! I liked Never Never Part 3 okay but I had kind of hoped for more. P.S. I Like You was so adorable! I'm a sucker for YA contemporary and even though I don't usually go for the super sweet "clean teen" kind of contemporaries, I make an exception for Katie West. She just gets it right.

  11. Oh that's comforting. I mean I hate to hear "slow" at all when it comes to books because I don't have much time to read these days, but I'm glad to hear it ends well. I definitely need to get it read before the sequel comes out. Thanks for stopping by Angela!

  12. Glad to hear that HP was good. And since I'm not expecting it to be as good as the others then hopefully I'll enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by Julie!

  13. Exactly. I need to read The Last Star so I can count it toward the 2017 Series Enders Reading Challenge. I hope we both get it read soon. Thanks for stopping by Mariela!

  14. Oh I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed several on my list. I'm not expecting HP to be as good as the original series, so hopefully that'll mean that I can enjoy it. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  15. I hope we both get to them soon. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Krystianna!

  16. Oh no! I hate when I forget about a book. The 5th Wave is one of the few that I rated 5 Stars too. Yeah, I wouldn't feel bad about Heartless either since it hasn't release in the UK yet. Thanks for stopping by Alyce!

  17. Oh that's good to know! I liked The Infinite Sea, but not near as much as The 5th Wave. I hate to hear that The Raven King didn't live up though. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Signourney!

  18. Oh yay! I'm glad to hear that several on my list turned out to be good. Hope we both get around to HP and Never Never soon! Thanks for stopping by Sue!

  19. I know! It's killing me not to be able to just read them all immediately. I'm a sucker for Kasie West too. You're so right though, she just gets it done every single time! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Tanya!

  20. PS I like you is on my list as well. I have heard great things about Marissa Meyers books. Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

    Megan @ reading away the days

  21. Lacy Williamson ChanceJanuary 16, 2017 at 12:12 PM

    Never never part 3 has a huge let down. I blame Taryn Fisher because Coho is always wonderful.

  22. I really loved her Lunar Chronicles series, so I hope that I'll enjoy Heartless too. Thanks for stopping by and commenting Megan!

  23. Yeah....see...I still want to finish it, but that doesn't motivate me to do it any time soon. :(
