Friday, June 7, 2024

Homeschool Friday - I Can Help

Homeschool Friday is a feature here at Somewhere Only We Know that showcases books my family reads during homeschool and provides a mini-review for each.

I Can Help

By: Hans Wilhelm

Publication: September 1, 2005 by Turtleback

35 pages

Genre: Children's, First Readers

Source: Personal Library

( Goodreads | Amazon )

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Goodreads description--Full of energy and good will, Puppy attempts to be a helpful addition to the family, but after a few accidents and mistakes, such as knocking over a flowerpot and dumping the garbage can, Puppy begins to wonder if he will ever be able to get anything right.

I'm making my six-year-old read daily through the summer to build his reading skills. We don't read for long, but I figure a little every day will help build his confidence and skills. I actually had a friend pass down a stack of level 1 readers, and I'm so thankful. The stories for level 1 readers aren't always the most interesting. It can be challenging to build an engaging story with such a limited vocubulary. But I Can Help was a great choice.

I Can Help follows a dog trying to help a baby. And the poor dog keeps making mistakes. He knocks down the baby's block tower. He tries to clean but only makes a bigger mess. He tries to plant flowers but gets sent away. He wonders how grown-ups do such a good job, and then he realizes that grown-ups must have made many mistakes along the way also. He comes to the realization that grown-ups must not have given up and therefore, he won't also. Not only was I Can Help on a level that my child could read without help, but it was an engaging short story that any child could relate to. Young children naturally want to help their parents and even their siblings. And of course, they also make many mistakes. So I loved the "never give up" moral to this level 1 reader also. I Can Help gets 5 Stars. Have you read I Can Help? What did you think? Let me know!

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