Friday, June 21, 2024

Homeschool Friday - Oops! I Made a Mistake

Homeschool Friday is a feature here at Somewhere Only We Know that showcases books my family reads during homeschool and provides a mini-review for each.

Oops! I Made a Mistake

By: Susan Hood

Illustrated By: Dana Regan

Publication: September 13, 2011 by Studio Fun International

32 pages

Genre: Children's, First Readers

Source: Personal Library

( Goodreads | Amazon )

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Goodreads description--Oops! A young girl tracks dirt inside, spills paint on the floor, then her dog runs out the door! She made a mistake, but dad does not yell. No one is perfect, he tells her, and mistakes can be fixed. They clean up the dirt, wipe up the paint, and bring back the pup. Then we see Dad make a mistake too! Includes a note to parents with tips on how to encourage reading and on how to help your child learn to read. Also included is a list of words to "point and read" to help young readers learn new words. As each word is read by a narrator words are highlighted on the screen. Sounds effects are also included.

Oops! I Made a Mistake follows a little girl who makes a series of 3 or 4 mistakes. She sees how her Dad handles mistakes without getting too worked up. And then she realizes that everyone makes mistakes. Even her dad.

What child cannot relate to making mistakes? The mistakes the little girls makes are all ones that a typical child might make and mostly result from not paying attention. They aren't intentional. It's good to see how adults handle mistakes without getting too upset. And then it's a nice reminder to know that even adults sometimes make mistakes too. I liked the phonics repetition in this book. Kids need to see each word over and over until it becomes memorized and not just sounded out. Frequent repetition helps words to become memorized and not have to be sounded out each time.

Oops! I Made a Mistake is a book any kid can relate to. Especially if you have a child that makes frequent inattention mistakes, this might help them to feel understood. I loved the phonics repetition with specific words being repeated and then specific phonetic blends being used multiple times. This helps to build reading vocabulary and mastery plus builds the child's reading confidence. Oops! I Made a Mistake gets 5 Stars. Have you or your child read Oops! I Made a Mistake!? What did you think? Let me know!

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