The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
Monday was a pretty good day. Big Boy had a smaller group baseball practice at his coach's house, and Big Girl had practice at the field. Tuesday, I dropped our dog off to be groomed. Then I dropped the kiddos off at my parent's house. Then I had to get a crown done. Thankfully, no root canal was needed at this point. Maybe TMI but I had some decay under a filling that had been done a long time ago. I didn't even know that was possible. Anyway, hopefully that is all taken care of now, but boy do I hate dental work. I made it back to my parent's house and had gone outside with Big Boy and we realized there was a fire at one of my parent's backyard neighbor's. There was popping and explosions and it sounded like trees were falling. We could hear electricity, and it seemed like the fire had engulfed the entire house. Thankfully, it turns out that it was an outbuilding on the property and not the actual house. The fire did get big enough to spread to the next door house. But thankfully, the firefighters go that put out fairly quickly. It was a super scary experience, but also, it turned into a best case scenario. We left my parent's house and had to get the dog and pick up groceries. By the time we got home, I told the kids no school that day. The boys did have ball practice that night. Then Wednesday we had a normal day with no activities. Thursday, we had co-op which went well. My brother-in-law's mother passed away Thursday morning. She'd recently been diagnosed with cancer, and man it was an aggressive kind. Two months to the day from her diagnosis to her death. Friday, Big Boy was on a mission to finish his school work before lunch. Usually we're finishing up around 2 or 2:30, but he killed it on Friday. Big Girl was done by 1 or 1:30 also. Husband took Big Boy on a daddy/son date as a reward for reaching his reading goal. And they still had time to go to baseball practice Friday night. Unfortunately, Big Boy has been the target of some pretty relentless bullying from some of the kids on his team. I theorize that it has to do with a combination of him being homeschooled and thus not going to school with these kids, but I also think he might have been bragging a little one night and the other boys decided to take him down a peg. Either way, it was breaking my mama heart. I'm so thankful Husband was the one who took him to practice Friday night because he addressed things with the parents in a rational manner. I think I would have been too emotional and worked up to do a good job handling that situation. Saturday, Little Boy had ball practice. Then we went to Greenville to the funeral for my brother-in-law's mother. And then I was right back at the ball field for Big Girl to practice.
Monday: Review of Committing to the Cowgirl (Colorado Cowgirls, # 1) by Jody Hedlund (4 Stars)
Wednesday: Can't Wait for Heart Marks the Spot by Libby Hubscher
Friday: Homeschool Friday - Brent's Bot & February 2025 EOM Wrap Up
Monday: Review of A Lady of Conscience (Somerset Stories, # 5) by Mimi Matthews
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday?
Wednesday: Can't Wait Wednesday?
Friday: 14th Blogoversary
No new books this week.
That's it for my shelves and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you add to your shelves this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!
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