
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sunday Post - 31 & Stacking the Shelves - 4

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

This past week felt really long to me. Thursday was my mom's birthday, so Friday after work the family got together to celebrate her birthday. My niece and nephews put on a show that was entertaining at first, but quickly dissolved into ridiculousness. On the one hand, I did discover that my nephew, Caleb, has some sweet dance moves. Who know he was rhythmically inclined?


Monday: Review of The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (5 Stars)

Tuesday: Top 10 Most Frustrating Characters

Wednesday: Waiting on The Gathering Dark

Thursday: Review of Vanish (Firelight, # 2) by Sophie Jordan (3.5 Stars)


Monday: Review of The Power of a Praying Church by Stormie Omartian

Tuesday: Top 10 Tuesday: Top 10 Best Bookish Memories

Wednesday: Waiting on Wednesday

Thursday: Review of The One that Got Away by Kelly Hunter

Friday: Romance is in the Air Giveaway

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

I left Notorious Nineteen off my post from last week. Also, I'm totally stoked to read Someday, Someday, Maybe by Lauren Graham because I think she's awesome! Loved Gilmore Girls and I love Parenthood too!

Waiting for Mercy (Cambion, # 2)

By: Shannon Dermott

Published: April 17th 2012 by Wicked Truth Publishing (first published 2012)

Source: Borrowed my SNL, Holly @ Words Fueled by Love's Kindle

( Goodreads | Amazon )

Goodreads description--What do you do when you’ve been to hell and back, literally? For Mercy, it meant the beginning of the end for everything. Love, Happiness, Life.

When the people important to her are thrown into danger and she is forced to choose who to save, what will Mercy do? When the demon within her has its own agenda, going to new lengths to fulfill it, how will she cope? And when a new nemesis arrives, with a sole focus to take what belongs to her, how will she survive?

Some situations make you stronger, some make you weak. She used to run from confrontation but the need to uncover secrets will harden her resolve to make new choices.

In the end, someone else will suffer the consequences. Who will be burned by her very existence? And what will become of everything she holds dear?

Mercy’s life wasn’t easy before and things aren’t getting easier now.

This is a young adult paranormal romance novel.

No Mercy (Cambion, # 2.5)

By: Shannon Dermott

Published: July 24th 2012

76 pages

Source: Borrowed my SNL's kindle, Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

( Goodreads | Amazon )

Goodreads description--This is a novella in the Cambions series. Even though is set before Beg for Mercy it should be read after Waiting for Mercy.

Warning - this book is intended for mature audience. Excessive language and sexual situations may not be suitable for younger teens.

Best Friends until the end huh?

Flynn McAllister, bad to the bone, at least that’s what the girls say about him, is heading out of town for the weekend. He’s meeting up with a girl he met last summer. She and her sister will keep him and his best friend busy for the weekend. At least that’s what he thought, until a girl and other things get out of hand.

Luke Bishop isn’t an angel like everyone thinks. Okay, technically, maybe. But when it comes down to it, actions speak louder than words. And his shout that he’s more than what meets the eye. Getting out of town is a welcome idea. He just didn’t plan on meeting her and all the hell came with her.

The Guardian

By: Nicholas Sparks

Published: April 1st 2005 by Grand Central Publishing (first published April 1st 2003)

400 pages

Source: Borrowed Audiobook Version from my sister

( Goodreads | Amazon )

Goodreads description--Julie Barenson's young husband left her two unexpected gifts before he died: a Great Dane puppy named Singer and the promise that he would always be watching over her. Now, four years have passed. Still living in the small town of Swansboro, North Carolina, 29-year-old Julie is emotionally ready to make a commitment to someone again. But who? Should it be Richard Franklin, the handsome, sophisticated engineer who treats her like a queen? Or Mike Harris, the down-to-earth nice guy who was her husband's best friend? Choosing one of them should bring her more happiness than she's had in years. Instead, Julie is soon fighting for her life in a nightmare spawned by a chilling deception and jealousy so poisonous that it has become a murderous desire....

Notorious Nineteen (Stephanie Plum, # 19)

By: Janet Evanovich

Published: November 20th 2012 by Headline Book Publishing

302 pages

Source: Borrowed Audiobook Version from my sister

( Goodreads | Amazon )

Goodreads description--New Jersey bounty hunter Stephanie Plum is certain of three truths: People don’t just vanish into thin air. Never anger old people. And don’t do what Tiki tells you to do.

After a slow summer of chasing low-level skips for her cousin Vinnie’s bail bonds agency, Stephanie Plum finally lands an assignment that could put her checkbook back in the black. Geoffrey Cubbin, facing trial for embezzling millions from Trenton’s premier assisted-living facility, has mysteriously vanished from the hospital after an emergency appendectomy. Now it’s on Stephanie to track down the con man. Unfortunately, Cubbin has disappeared without a trace, a witness, or his money-hungry wife. Rumors are stirring that he must have had help with the daring escape . . . or that maybe he never made it out of his room alive. Since the hospital staff’s lips seem to be tighter than the security, and it’s hard for Stephanie to blend in to assisted living, Stephanie’s Grandma Mazur goes in undercover. But when a second felon goes missing from the same hospital, Stephanie is forced into working side by side with Trenton’s hottest cop, Joe Morelli, in order to crack the case.

The real problem is, no Cubbin also means no way to pay the rent. Desperate for money—or maybe just desperate—Stephanie accepts a secondary job guarding her secretive and mouthwatering mentor Ranger from a deadly Special Forces adversary. While Stephanie is notorious for finding trouble, she may have found a little more than she bargained for this time around. Then again—a little food poisoning, some threatening notes, and a bridesmaid’s dress with an excess of taffeta never killed anyone . . . or did they? If Stephanie Plum wants to bring in a paycheck, she’ll have to remember: No guts, no glory. . . .

Someday Someday Maybe

By: Lauren Graham

Expected Publication: April 30th 2013 by Ballantine Books

368 pages

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon )

Goodreads description--From Lauren Graham, the beloved star of Gilmore Girls and Parenthood, comes a witty, charming, and hilariously relatable debut novel about a struggling young actress trying to get ahead―and keep it together―in New York City.

It’s January 1995, and Franny Banks has just six months left of the three-year deadline she set for herself when she came to New York, dreaming of Broadway and doing “important” work. But all she has to show for her efforts so far is a part in an ad for ugly Christmas sweaters, and a gig waiting tables at a comedy club. Her roommates―her best friend Jane, and Dan, an aspiring sci-fi writer―are supportive, yet Franny knows a two-person fan club doesn’t exactly count as success. Everyone tells her she needs a backup plan, and though she can almost picture moving back home and settling down with her perfectly nice ex-boyfriend, she’s not ready to give up on her goal of having a career like her idols Diane Keaton and Meryl Streep. Not just yet. But while she dreams of filling their shoes, in the meantime, she’d happily settle for a speaking part in almost anything—and finding a hair product combination that works.

Everything is riding on the upcoming showcase for her acting class, where she’ll finally have a chance to perform for people who could actually hire her. And she can’t let herself be distracted by James Franklin, a notorious flirt and the most successful actor in her class, even though he’s suddenly started paying attention. Meanwhile, her bank account is rapidly dwindling, her father wants her to come home, and her agent doesn’t return her calls. But for some reason, she keeps believing that she just might get what she came for.

Someday, Someday, Maybe is a story about hopes and dreams, being young in a city, and wanting something deeply, madly, desperately. It’s about finding love, finding yourself, and perhaps most difficult of all in New York City, finding an acting job.


By: Maya Gold

Expected Publication: April 1st 2013 by Scholastic Point

272 pages

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon )

Goodreads description--There's more than one way to be powerful . . .

It is during a routine school project that Abby Silva--sixteen and nearly friendless--makes a startling discovery: She is descended from women who were accused of witchcraft back in 1600s Salem. And when Abby visits nearby Salem, strange, inexplicable events start to unfold. Objects move when she wills them to. Candles burst into sudden flame. And an ancient spellbook somehow winds up in her possession.

Trying to harness her newfound power, Abby concocts a love potion to win over her longtime crush--and exact revenge upon his cruel, bullying girlfriend. But old magic is not to be trifled with. Soon, Abby is thrust headlong into a world of hexes, secrets, and danger. And then there's Rem Anders, the beautiful, mysterious Salem boy who seems to know more about Abby than he first lets on.

A reckoning is coming, and Abby will have to make sense of her history--and her heart--before she can face the powerful truth.

Nantucket Blue

By: Leila Howland

Expected Publication: May 7th 2013 by Disney Hyperion

304 pages

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon )

Goodreads description--For Cricket Thompson, a summer like this one will change everything. A summer spent on Nantucket with her best friend, Jules Clayton, and the indomitable Clayton family. A summer when she’ll make the almost unattainable Jay Logan hers. A summer to surpass all dreams.

Some of this turns out to be true. Some of it doesn’t.

When Jules and her family suffer a devastating tragedy that forces the girls apart, Jules becomes a stranger whom Cricket wonders whether she ever really knew. And instead of lying on the beach working on her caramel-colored tan, Cricket is making beds and cleaning bathrooms to support herself in paradise for the summer.

But it’s the things Cricket hadn’t counted on--most of all, falling hard for someone who should be completely off-limits--that turn her dreams into an exhilarating, bittersweet reality.

A beautiful future is within her grasp, and Cricket must find the grace to embrace it. If she does, her life could be the perfect shade of Nantucket blue.

That's it for my shelves and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you add to your shelves this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!


  1. I have Nan Blue too, hope you enjoy.
    Happy reading,
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  2. I really should read the new Plum book, I am just soooo tired of nothing happening

    1. I stopped reading several books ago; I was also tired of nothing happening.

  3. Nantucket Blue looks sweet and ooh I want to be at the beach! I love Sparks but haven't read him in years. Enjoy your new lovelies and I will watch for your nephew in Glee one day! The Sunday Post

  4. Some good looking books there! I love the cover for Waiting for Mercy :-)

    Happy reading and have a lovely week!

  5. Brill week for you.
    Hope you enjoy your new reads.

  6. Spellbinding and Nantucket Blue look great.
    Cricket My Sunday Post

  7. Nice haul! I need to read more of the Stephanie Plum books (I've only read 2 but I have like 12 of them!)

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog recently and for following! I'm sorry it has taken me so long to respond! I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog! New follower. :D

  8. Thanks for visiting Jorie's Reads! My mom has read Stormie O'Martian. Do you recommend her work?

    I hope you enjoy P&P again!

  9. Nantucket Blue has my interest. It looks really good. I recently finished the 15th Stephanie Plum book. I'm going to try and listen to the rest on audio.

    Have a great week!

  10. Nice week! Someday, Someday Maybe sounds really good! I hadn't seen that one.

    Have a great week! :D

  11. Great haul. Spellbinding is on that I am looking forward to. Happy reading.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever' Sunday Post

  12. I feel the same with your ratings on The Fault in Our Stars and Vanish. Actually, I never finished Vanish - I was underwhelmed by Firelight.

    I got Spellbinding this week as well!

    Have a great week -

    The Sunday Post

    Audrey @

  13. I agree totally with your ratings for The Fault in Our Stars and Vanish. Actually, I never finished Vanish - I was very underwhelmed with that series.

    I got a copy of Spellbinding this week, too.

    Here's my The Sunday Post

    Audrey @

  14. Ooh!! Spellbinding and Nantucket Blue look good! :)

    I'm following you back now, too!

    Rachel @ Paper Cuts

  15. A Lauren Graham book - so awesome!

    - Jessica @ Book Sake

  16. Waiting for mercy sounds looks sooo good! So does Nantucket Blue! Following back, hope yuo have a great week!

  17. Ooh.... I want the rest of the Mercy series too!! I read the first book and loved it!!

    Thanx for visiting my StS and Sunday Post!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
