The Beginner's Bible Jesus and His Friends
By: Kelly Pulley & Mission City Press Inc.
Publication: June 10, 2007 by Zonderkidz
32 pages
Genre: Children's, Bible, My First Readers
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Goodreads description--Jesus loves many people. He has lots of friends who love him, too. Jesus and his friends help people. They share their food. Best of all, Jesus and his friends tell people about God. This My First I Can Read! book, with basic language, word repetition, and great illustrations, is perfect for shared reading with a child. It aligns with guided reading level J and will be of interest to children Pre-K to 3 rd grade.
Jesus and His Friends was pretty good. It's written in a way that young children should be able to understand the gist of the story. This book covers who the twelve apostles were (by name only), and two of Jesus's miracles--the feeding of the five-thousand and healing the centurion's daughter. The healing is mentioned only in passing with little detail. The feeding of the five-thousand has a little more details.
I suppose since this is a "shared reader" level that means the parent is mostly reading to the child. I originally requested these books thinking that my son who is 6 and learning to read would be able to read this on his own. I didn't actually ask him to try, but there were words that I know he hasn't been exposed to either the phonics rules or the words themselves. That is no fault of the book. I just didn't pay close enough attention when I requested it. Overall, I give The Beginner's Bible Jesus and His Friends 4 Stars. Have you read this book? What did you think? Let me know!