Friday, May 31, 2024

April & May 2024 EOM Wrap Ups


I read 7 books (not including children's books). *These qualify for the 2024 Series Enders Reading Challenge.
Court of Claws (Blood of a Fae, # 2) by Briar Boleyn
Empress of Fae (Blood of a Fae, # 3) by Briar Boleyn
Haunted Ever After by Jen DeLuca
Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God and Science by Louie Giglio
*These Twisted Bonds (These Hollow Vows, # 2) by Lexi Ryan
An Unsuitable Suitor by Sally Britton
Lost Crows and Fallen Stars (Bonds of the Imnicus, # 1) by Abelia Sumpter

I have reviewed 5 books (not including mini reviews of children's books). *These qualify for the 2024 Series Enders Reading Challenge.
The Lady He Lost by Faye Delacour
Romancing the Artist (Return to Inglewood, # 1) by Sally Britton
Queen of Roses (Blood of a Fae, # 1) by Briar Boleyn
Old Flames and New Fortunes by Sarah Hogle
Court of Claws (Blood of a Fae, # 2) by Briar Boleyn

Other Posts:
Sunday Post - 04/07/24
Sunday Post - 04/14/24
Sunday Post - 04/21/24
Sunday Post - 04/28/24
Top Nine Reasons I DNF or Lower a Book Rating
Can't Wait for Saved by the Matchmaker (A Shanahan Match, # 2) by Jody Hedlund
Can't Wait for Marriage & Masti (If Shakespeare Was an Auntie, # 3) by Nisha Sharma
Can't Wait for The Muse of Maiden Lane (Belles of London, # 4) by Mimi Matthews
Can't Wait for A Lady of Conscience (Somerset Stories, # 5) by Mimi Matthews
2024 Series Enders Reading Challenge - April Wrap Up
March Wrap Ups
Homeschool Friday - Baby Moses and the Princess
Homeschool Friday - The Den that Octopus Built


I read 7 books (not including children's books). *These qualify for the 2024 Series Enders Reading Challenge.
The Gentleman's Confession (Matchmaking Mamas, # 3) by Anneka R Walker
I Survivied The Great Chicago Fire, 1871 (I Survived, # 11) by Lauren Tarshis
Fate of the Sun King (Artefacts of Ouranos, # 3) by Nisha J Tuli
A Proper Facade by Esther Hatch
The Muse of Maiden Lane (Belles of London, # 4) by Mimi Matthews
Highcliffe House by Megan Walker
Going Rogue (Stephanie Plum, # 29) by Janet Evanovich

I have reviewed 4 books (not including mini reviews of children's books). *These qualify for the 2024 Series Enders Reading Challenge.
Lost Crows and Fallen Stars (Bonds of the Imnicus, # 1) by Abelia Sumpter
I Wish You Would by Eva Des Lauriers
All's Fair in Love and War (Miss Prentice's Proteges, # 1) by Virginia Heath
Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God and Science by Louie Giglio

Other Posts:
Sunday Post - 05/05/24
Sunday Post - 05/12/24
Sunday Post - 05/19/24
Sunday Post - 05/26/24
Can't Wait for Shield of the Mighty (The King's Men, # 2) by Connilyn Cossette
Can't Wait for The Courting of Bristol Keats (The Courting of Bristol Keats, # 1) by Mary E Pearson
Can't Wait for 'Til Heist Do Us Part by Sara Desai
Can't Wait for Waiting for the Rancher (High Country Ranch, # 1) by Jody Hedlund
2024 Series Enders Reading Challenge - May Wrap Up
Homeschool Friday - Jesus and His Friends
Homeschool Friday - Frank and Bean: The Stinky Feet Monster
Homeschool Friday - The Haunted Scavenger Hunt
Homeschool Friday - Get the Giggles: A First Joke Book

I'm a few days ahead on my Bible-in-a-year plan.
I've read 39 out of 52 books (not including children's books).
I've read 2 out of 5-10 series enders.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Indescribable - Review

Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God and Science

By: Louie Giglio

Publication: February 5, 2019 by Tommy Nelson

206 pages

Genre: Children's, Christian, Devotion, Science

Source: Personal Library

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Discover the Wonders of the Universe with the CreatorIt's impossible to out-imagine God. He orchestrates time, creates light, and speaks things into existence--from the largest stars to the smallest starfish. God is a powerful, purposeful, personal, unparalleled Creator.Psalm 19:1 says, "The heavens tell the glory of God. And the skies announce what his hands have made."Indescribable displays the majesty of creation with scientific findings, photography, and original illustrations. These 100 devotions encourage awe at God's creativity with an in-depth look * Space, Galaxies, Planets, and Stars* Earth, Geology, Oceans, and Weather* Animals--from Hummingbirds to Dinosaurs* Our Minds, Bodies, and Imaginations Each devotion features a "Be Amazed" section with fascinating facts, hands-on activities, and a closing prayer. Based on Louie Giglio's popular messages "Indescribable" and "How Great Is Our God," 100 Devotions About God & Science will help kids discover the incredible creation of our indescribable God.

We read How Great is Our God before realizing that Indescribable came first in the publication order. So we started this book immediately after How Great Is Our God.

Like the other book, Indescribable has a Scripture, a scientific topic which is in turn related back to God, a short prayer, and a related fact concerning the topic. The topics are related to space and time, Earth and weather, the human body, animals, and plants. I did notice fewer real photographs used in this book compared to How Great is Our God. That wasn't a bad thing exactly, but I did notice it.

My kids are ages 8, 6, and 3. The three-year-old didn't usually read this with us, but we typically read one of the topics every other night before bed. Some days, my kids were so excited to hear the topic, and other days, not very much. We have already started Wonders of Creation, as well.

Theology is something that concerns me when looking for devotions. I don't have time to create my own lessons and devotions from scratch, but I  want to ensure I'm teaching truth to them directly from the Bible. How Great is Our God had about three topics that I edited while reading. But Indescribable had even less than that. As for theology, I highly recommend this book.

Again, similar to our experience with the previous book what we might be going through in life directly related to the topic of the day from Indescribable. But this only happened a few times. I can't credit or blame the book for that, though.

Indescribable is a great option for doing devotions with your child(ren). The topics are short enough not to lose a child's attention, but I love how the content always brings things back to God and our relationship with him. I have seen the fruit of regular conversation about God creating the world and how He works in our daily lives, in my children, and in my home. Indescribable gets 5 Stars. Have you read Indescribable? What did you think? Let me know!

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Can't Wait for So True a Love

Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings to spotlight and talk about the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they're books that have yet to be released as well. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous Jill at Breaking the Spine. Find out more here.

So True a Love

By: Joanna Barker

Expected Publication: September 3, 2024 by Shadow Mountain

256 pages

Genre: Adult, Historical Fiction, Regency

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Danger and passion collide in a Regency backdrop when a plucky young woman becomes embroiled in a Bow Street investigation alongside a handsome officer.

London, 1803

As the daughter of a renowned actress, Verity Travers is a privileged lady of high society —and the last woman one would suspect of working as a private investigator. But after one case nearly costs her everything, she makes the hard decision to hang up her hat and live the uninspiring life of a gentlewoman. However, when she and her dearest friend become victims of a harrowing armed robbery, Verity finds herself swept back into the clandestine world of mystery and crime as she seeks to bring the thief to justice. There’s just one complication: the persistent and dashingly handsome Bow Street Runner Nathaniel Denning, who always seems to cross her path.

Verity is confident she could accomplish her work quickly if only Nathaniel would stay out of her way. While she appreciates his keen mind and quick wit on a case, his interference is muddling her progress—and her heart. Focusing on the task at hand becomes more and more difficult as she constantly bumps into Nathaniel, who is determined to keep her out of danger.

When the two rival investigators learn they are both pursuing the same cunning criminal, they must figure out how to navigate the delicate dance of cooperation amid a backdrop of increasing peril and an irresistible passion that sets their hearts ablaze.

What are you guys waiting on this week? Let me know!

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sunday Post - 05/26/24

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Monday, I surprised the kids with an end of the school year party. I had a few presents for them and a card where I wrote about how proud I was of them overcoming the challenges they faced this year. And then I made them a special breakfast of homemade pancakes with all their favorite toppings: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, whipped cream, etc. Monday afternoon was closing ceremonies for softball. Big Girl made 8U All Stars for the first time. She is so excited. Tuesday, I drove my mother-in-law to a doctor's appointment. The kids stayed with my parents. She took me out to breakfast after her appointment, and then we ate lunch with my parents. Wednesday was a pretty normal day, except we had to do grocery pickup which I usually do on Tuesdays. So Tuesday felt like a normal Thursday. Wednesday felt like a normal Tuesday. And then Thursday, we normally go to my parents' house but decided to stay home. We went for a walk and a friend from the neighborhood joined us on our walk. We invited him and his sisters to come swim with us. The kids swam from 11:30 until about 3 when their mom told them it was time to go home. Friday, we went to our last homeschool activity for the month--homeschool skate. Big Girl has been roller skating once she she did the best out of the three. Big Boy picked it up pretty decently by the time we had to leave. Poor Little Boy just wasn't getting it. Granted, he's only three. Friday night, Big Girl had softball practice, and Big Boy had his baseball team swim party. He was given the Clutch Player Award. The boys had a blast. Saturday morning it was rainy. We had a cleaning kind of day. Then in the afternoon, Big Girl's friend came over to hang with us while her parents had to go to a meeting. They ended up swimming in the rain. Thank goodness for Husband, so I didn't have to sit out there in the rain to watch them.

Monday: Review of All's Fair in Love and War (Miss Prentice's Proteges, # 1) by Virginia Heath (3.5 Stars)
Wednesday: Can't Wait for Waiting on the Rancher (High Country Ranch, # 1) by Jody Hedlund
Friday: Homeschool Friday - Get the Giggles: A First Joke Book (5 Stars)
Saturday: 2024 Series Enders Reading Challenge - May Wrap Up


Monday: No post - Memorial Day (US)
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday?
Wednesday: Can't Wait for Wednesday?
Thursday: Review of Indescribable by Louie Giglio

Don’t forget to link up for the 2024 Series Enders Reading Challenge! You have until December 15th, 2024 to sign up. Each month there will be a giveaway for those participating with an end of the year giveaway too! Click on the picture below or the link above to find out more!


The Muse of Maiden Lane (Belles of London, # 4)

By: Mimi Matthews

Expected Publication: November 19, 2024 by Berkley

384 pages

Genre: Adult, Historical Fiction

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--A silver-haired equestrienne and a charismatic artist turn a scandalous bargain into a vibrant portrait of love.

Stella Hobhouse is a brilliant rider, stalwart friend, skilled sketch artist—and completely overlooked. Her outmodish gray hair makes her invisible to London society. Combined with her brother’s pious restrictions and her dwindling inheritance, Stella is on the verge of a lifetime marooned in Derbyshire as a spinster. Unless she does something drastic…like posing for a daring new style of portrait by the only man who’s ever really seen her.

Aspiring painter Edward “Teddy” Hayes knows true beauty when he sees it. He would never ask Stella to risk her reputation as an artist’s model but in the five years since a virulent bout of scarlet fever left him partially paralyzed, Teddy has learned to heed good fortune when he finds it. He’ll do anything to persuade his muse to pose for him, even if he must offer her a marriage of convenience.

After all, though Teddy has yearned to trace Stella’s luminous beauty on canvas since their chance meeting, her heart is what he truly aches to capture….

In the Likely Event

By: Rebecca Yarros

Expected Publication: August 1, 2023 by Montlake

348 pages

Genre: Adult, Romance, Contemporary, Military

( Goodreads | Amazon Currently On Sale )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--When Izzy Astor gets on a plane to go home, she isn’t expecting much. It’s the usual holiday travel experience: busy, crowded, stressful.

Then she spots her seatmate, who is anything but ordinary. Nate Phelan sports dark hair, blue eyes, and a deliciously rugged charm that Izzy can’t resist. Their connection is undeniable. Izzy never believed in destiny before, but she does now.

Just ninety seconds after takeoff, their plane goes down in the Missouri River.

Their lives change. They change. Nate goes on to a career in the military while Izzy finds her way into politics. Despite a few chance encounters over the years, the timing never feels right.

Then comes a high-stakes reunion in Afghanistan, where Nate is tasked with protecting Izzy’s life.

He’ll do anything to keep her safe. And everything to win her heart.

That's it for my shelves and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you add to your shelves this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!

Saturday, May 25, 2024

2024 Series Enders Reading Challenge - May Wrap Up

Time for our Monthly Wrap Up for the 2024 Series Enders Reading Challenge hosted by Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know and Holly @ Words Fueled by Love!

Sandy finished The Muse of Maiden Lane (Belles of London, # 4) by Mimi Matthews.

Which series enders did you finish? Link the up below. Don't forget to include the title, your name, & your blog name (Ex: Requiem - Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know) Also, the April giveaway runs from April 25th - May 25th. On May 25th we will use and the linky entries from the entire year to pull a grand prize winner.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Friday, May 24, 2024

Homeschool Friday - Get the Giggles

Homeschool Friday is a feature here at Somewhere Only We Know that showcases books my family reads during homeschool and provides a mini-review for each.

Get the Giggles: A First Joke Book

By: [Scholastic Reader Level 1]

Illustrator: Bronwen Davies

Expected Publication: April 29, 2014 by Scholastic Inc.

32 pages

Genre: Children's, Humor, First Readers, Joke Books

Source: Personal Library

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--This joke book is sure to tickle your funny bone!

Why is it hard to play cards in the jungle?
-There are too many cheetahs.

What's a pirate's favorite letter?

What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence?
-Time to get a new fence.

These hilariously simple jokes will have beginning readers rolling on the floor with laughter.

My six-year-old is a reluctant reader. He CAN do it. But overall, he doesn't enjoy reading. Yet. So I'm always on the lookout for books that might interest him. I wanted to get all of my kiddos a book as an end of school present, and this seemed like the perfect choice. And I have to say, I was right. My six-year-old loved this book. Not only has he read it and laughed, but he's read it more than once without complaining at all. Before long, I know he'll have it memorized word for word. Of course, the jokes aren't mind-blowing. They're written for early readers. That's the entire point of the book. But if you have a child who likes jokes but doesn't love reading, Get the Giggles might be a great choice for him/her. I have to give Get the Giggles 5 Stars. Have you read Get the Giggles? What did you think? Let me know!

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Can't Wait for Waiting The Rancher

Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings to spotlight and talk about the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they're books that have yet to be released as well. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous Jill at Breaking the Spine. Find out more here.

Waiting for the Rancher (High Country Ranch, # 1)

By: Jody Hedlund

Expected Publication: June 4, 2024

228 pages

Genre: Adult, Historical Fiction

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Hazel Noble loves her job managing the mares at High Country Ranch. As the foaling season begins, she gets to spend even more time with the horses . . . and with her secret crush, Maverick Oakley, the owner of High Country Ranch and her brother Sterling’s best friend.

When Maverick unwittingly ruins Sterling’s wedding, he goes from best friend to worst enemy. With the rift between their families, Maverick is faced with the possibility of losing Hazel, and he can no longer deny how much he’s always cared about her. The trouble is that he and Sterling made a vow not to court each other’s sisters, and he doesn’t want to break his word and cause further problems.

Maverick gathers the courage to speak with Sterling about their vow, but Sterling demands that he stay away from Hazel. When a tragic accident strikes, Maverick is forced to finally choose where his loyalties lie—with his best friend or his best friend’s sister. After pushing Hazel away, will he be too late to win her heart?

What are you guys waiting on this week? Let me know!

Monday, May 20, 2024

All's Fair in Love and War - Review

All's Fair in Love and War (Miss Prentice's Protegees, # 1)

By: Virginia Heath

Expected Publication: May 28, 2024 by St. Martin's Griffin

384 pages

Genre: Adult, Historical Fiction

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--A new Regency romp of a series, about governess who believes in cultivating joy in her charges, clashes with the children's uncle who hired her, only to find herself falling in love.

When the flighty older sister of former naval captain, Henry Kincaid, decides on a whim to accompany her explorer husband on an expedition to Egypt, he finds himself unwittingly left in the lurch with her three unruly children and her giant, mad dog. With no clue how to manage the little rascals, a busy career at the Admiralty that requires all of his attention, and no idea when his sister is coming back, Harry has to hire an emergency governess to ensure that everything in his ordered house continues to run shipshape. In desperation, he goes to Miss Prentice’s School for Girls prepared to pay whatever it takes to get a governess quick sharp to bring order to the chaos.

Thanks to her miserable, strict upbringing, fledgling governess Georgina Rowe does not subscribe to the ethos that children should be seen and not heard. She believes childhood should be everything that hers wasn’t, filled with laughter, adventure, and discovery. Thankfully, the three Pendleton children she has been tasked with looking after are already delightfully bohemian and instantly embrace her unconventional educational ethos. Their staid, stickler-for-the-rules uncle, however, is another matter entirely…

Georgina's parents died when she was young. Her father died first in a carriage accident, and her mother died several years later from smallpox. Before her mother died, she remarried a Colonel. Georgina's stepfather took care of her until she was sixteen and sent to Miss Prentice's school to learn how to be a governess. Georgina has chaffed against rules and regulations and has a difficult time biting her tongue. She might have been practiced at doing so, having lived most of her formidable years with the Colonel. But she can't seem to keep quiet during interviews and thus far hasn't landed a job yet despite thirty-three interviews. She's desperate. 

Harry grew up in a chaotic house. His parents loved him, but his grandfather was an Admiral in the navy and took Harry under his wing. The rules and structure of the navy seemed to suit Harry well. And he followed his grandfather's path from then on. His sister, Flora followed after their parents, and she now lives a much more free lifestyle. So free that Flora and her husband leave on a trip to Egypt without their children without even discussing the particulars of it with Harry. Doesn't seem too odd until you factor in that they plan to leave their children under Harry's care. Given Harry's background managing men in the navy, I find it odd that the children could manipulate him so easily, but I suppose emotions often blind us. And I'm 100% sure my own children emotionally manipulate me as well. 

Harry freaks out because he has no time to watch his nieces and nephew, and he doesn't know what to do with them. So he goes to Miss Prentice to find a temporary governess. Being desperate himself, he takes Georgie on without a second thought. Only Georgie isn't really following what he expects a governess to do. The description makes it seem that these two are constantly bickering over the way the children are taught, but truthfully, that takes very little of the plot of this book. Harry is drawn to Georgie physically from early on. He knows he must maintain his distance. Georgie doesn't even like Harry at first. So this isn't an instalove story. Her feelings soften and change over time.

I do have to say that this is the fourth book I've read by Virginia Heath. I found it to be completely predictable given the other books I've read by her. It seems she might have a pattern. But I would have preferred some unpredictability. Surprise me dagnabit! However, 'twas not to be. 

The predictability played a big role in my enjoyment of this book. It was exactly as I was expecting. And sometimes a book meeting your expectations is a wonderful thing. In this case, I was left wanting (not in a good way). Harry and Georgie were likable. I found a few things in their characters to be odd, considering the backgrounds of both. But humans aren't robots and just because we expect a certain outcome doesn't mean we always get it. So maybe those things could be explained away. I will say that Virginia Heath is good at getting me to feel invested in the characters, so I do want to keep reading her future books to see how the secondary characters' stories play out. But at this point, I expect those to be a little predictable, too. All's Fair in Love and War gets 3.5 Stars. Have you read All's Fair in Love and War? What did you think? Let me know!

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Sunday Post - 05/19/24

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

This was a super busy week. Big Boy's closing ceremony was Monday night for baseball. Husband had to go to Massachusettes for work on Tuesday. We went to the park and got groceries. Then Big Girl had a softball game that night. Wednesday was a mostly normal day. Thursday, we met a friend at the splash pad. Then we came back to our house to swim. Thursday night was Big Girl's last softball game. Friday was Little Boy's last day of school/mother's day out for the summer. Husband got home from his work trip Friday evening right before the kids went to bed. Then Saturday morning Big Girl and I went to Disney on Ice to see Frozen and Encanto with some friends. That was a good time. We got back late in the afternoon. I've also been battling a cough for well over a week now. I'm quite ready for a more normal (slower) week this week. I haven't don't much reading, although I have listened to some audiobooks. Old Netflix has sucked me in again.

Monday: Review of I Wish You Would by Eva Des Lauriers (3 Stars)
Wednesday: Can't Wait for 'Til Heist Do Us Part by Sara Desai
Friday: Homeschool Friday - The Haunted Scavenger Hunt (2 Stars)


Monday: Review of All's Fair in Love and War (Miss Prentice's Proteges, # 1) by Virginia Heath
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday?
Wednesday: Can't Wait for Wednesday?
Friday: Homeschool Friday
Saturday: 2024 Series Enders Reading Challenge - May Wrap Up

Don’t forget to link up for the 2024 Series Enders Reading Challenge! You have until December 15th, 2024 to sign up. Each month there will be a giveaway for those participating with an end of the year giveaway too! Click on the picture below or the link above to find out more!


No new books.

That's it for my shelves and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you add to your shelves this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!

Friday, May 17, 2024

Homeschool Friday - The Haunted Scavenger Hunt

Homeschool Friday is a feature here at Somewhere Only We Know that showcases books my family reads during homeschool and provides a mini-review for each.

The Haunted Scavenger Hunt: A Spook-tacular Storybook

By: Steve Patschke

Illustrator: Roland Garrigue

Expected Publication: July 2, 2024 by Templar

40 pages

Genre: Children's, Humor, Halloween

Source: Publisher via Edelweiss (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--A delightfully spooky and funny Halloween story

When four friends find a mysterious box with the message “Don’t look at it, don’t touch it, don’t open it!”, they decide that they have to know what’s inside. And so they end up on a haunted Halloween scavenger hunt that leads them to the basement of a spooky house. But one by one, a friend goes missing as the group gets closer to discovering the mystery behind the clues. Will they be able to reach the surprise at the end? This humorous Halloween page-turning story begs to be read aloud again and again.

My kids love scavenger hunts, and they love Halloween. So I thought I would check out this book. Unfortunately, I didn't love it. The illustrations were nice and spooky. Very Halloweenish. But I didn't love the messaging.

Four friends stumble upon a box that says not to open it. They open it. It says not to follow the map. They follow it. They come to a door that says don't open it. They open it. A voice says not to go down the dark hallway. They go down it. They come to a door that again says don't open it. And there's only one friend left by this point. She opens it. But what's at the end of the hunt is a glorious party for the last girl. Since becoming a parent, I'm more interested in the messages that my kids are getting, and I don't love the messaging of doing the opposite of what you're told or asked to do. Of course, the other friends were in on the surprise party. So one could argue that they knew what was waiting for Sarah at the end and they were trying to influence her in a positive direction. But the overall message is to ignore the stop and maybe there's a big happy surprise for you at the end of the journey.

I know, I know...I'm reading too much into this. But I'd rather read a book to my kids where the kids who didn't listen to the stops came face to face with a scary evil monster. Or about kids who listened and got rewarded. Or even about some kids just doing a fun scavenger hunt that may have been a little spooky but they pushed through their fears and were rewarded with a fun party at the end.

The Haunted Scavenger Hunt gets 2 Stars. Have you read The Haunted Scavenger Hunt? What did you think? Let me know!

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Can't Wait for 'Til Heist Do Us Part

Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings to spotlight and talk about the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they're books that have yet to be released as well. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous Jill at Breaking the Spine. Find out more here.

'Til Heist Do Us Part

By: Sara Desai

Expected Publication: August 20, 2024 by Berkley

368 pages

Genre: Adult, Contemporary, India

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Diamond necklaces, billionaires, Mafia bosses, and student loans—it’s all in a day’s work for Simi Chopra and her ragtag heist crew in the next romantic-comedy caper from Sara Desai.It’s been a year since Simi Chopra’s motley crew pulled off a high-wire diamond necklace heist with the help of sexy rogue Jack Danger. After living it up on the reward money, they're back where they started, struggling to pay their bills. So when a Chicago Mafia boss demands they return the jewels—plus interest, or else—they need to get the team back together…and fast.Unfortunately, Simi soon discovers that the necklace is in the hands of Jack's nemesis, a highly-skilled and supremely vengeful master thief who is not above a little blackmail to get even. (Did Jack really have to piss her off?) Now, the crew is forced into her working her con in order to get the necklace back. As if Simi needed any more complications while trying to rob a billionaire’s mansion, she and Jack are on the rocks, someone else is after her score, and a gorgeous detective is hot on her tail. Simi better be careful or she’ll end up in the less fun kind of handcuffs.

What are you guys waiting on this week? Let me know!

Monday, May 13, 2024

I Wish You Would - Review

I Wish You Would

By: Eva Des Lauriers

Expected Publication: May 21, 2024 by Henry Holt and Co. (BYR)

280 pages

Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--In this drama-filled love story, private confessions are scattered on the beach during a senior class overnight and explosive secrets threaten to tear everyone apart, including best friends (or maybe more?), Natalia and Ethan.

It’s Senior Sunrise, the epic overnight at the beach that kicks off senior year. But for Natalia and Ethan, it’s the first time seeing each other after what happened at junior prom―when they almost crossed the line from best friends to something more and ruined everything. After ghosting each other all summer, Natalia is desperate to pretend she doesn’t care and Ethan is desperate to fix his mistake.

When the senior class carries out their tradition of writing private letters to themselves―what they wish they would do this year if they were braver―Natalia pours her heart out. So does Ethan. So does everyone in their entire class. But in Natalia’s panicked attempt to retrieve her heartfelt confession, the wind scatters seven of the notes across the beach. Now, Ethan and Natalia are forced to work together to find the lost letters before any secrets are revealed―especially their own.

Seven private confessions. Seven time bombs loose for anyone to find. And one last chance before the sun rises for these two to fall in love.

Sigh...I'm struggling with what to say about I Wish You Would. I got sucked in quickly, which was nice since I've picked up and put down about 4 or 5 books lately because they didn't snag my attention quickly. I read this book quickly, but I had two major complaints. Let's get into the story.

Natalia and Ethan have been best friends for years. They made a pact in freshman year that if they were still virgins by senior year, they would use each other to change that. First of all, I think that's completely idiotic, and if this information had been in the description, I probably would have skipped this book. Why would "just friends" even consider making a pact like that? It makes no sense. And the reasons that Natalia shared were bogus as all get out. Anyway, after junior prom, they had a moment where they considered calling in the pact. But Natalia made a comment that spooked Ethan, and he backed out knowing that he couldn't cross that line with her without changing their relationship. Natalia takes his backing out as rejection. These two could have rendered this book pointless if they'd just had a simple conversation. Honestly, I don't love it when books are centered around one or two big misunderstandings. 

Natalia is the student council president, and it's her job to organize these events for the school, like Senior Sunrise. Like the pact that Natalia and Ethan made, I found the entire idea about Senior Sunrise and writing these bravery letters to themselves bogus. I mean this is one of those things that sounds good, but the execution would never work. If this is an event the school holds every year (not the camping part, but the letter-writing part), there's no way that people's personal secrets being shared or exposed has never happened or come up before if they keep them in some jar for a big burning ceremony. It only makes sense to burn those suckers immediately if you're going to have some big event like this. But also, why does a group need to come together for individuals to write a letter like this to themselves? Why isn't this an exercise that each kid could do on their own time in the privacy of their own home and dispose of in whatever way they want to? If you were going to have some bogus tradition like this in the first place, that is. 

I could continue describing the events of the book, but honestly, I don't feel the need to do so. Even though I've complained already, one of my biggest two complaints was that there was so much drama. Do you guys know how video content creators have learned to cut clips to different camera angles and to hype the drama so that people's brains are engaged and never bored? Well, I felt like the writing in this book was the equivalent of watching some of those YouTubers who play video games and hype their videos so much that it feels ultra-intense the entire time. One minute Natalia's running away, and Ethan's chasing her. Only for them to have the briefest of conversations that didn't actually move them any closer to a real discussion of their emotions or the secrets they're hiding from each other, only for Ethan to run away from Natalia, and then her to chase him right back. The back and forth was like watching a yo-yo go up and down. That's not even to include the actual events the characters experienced or were struggling with.

The book featured essentially 10 characters (not including the adults). Of those 10, four were LGBTQIA, two adults were sexual predators of some sort, and one of the LGBTQIA identified as a they/them. Guys...this makes no sense whatsoever. The character "identifies" as an individual but uses plural pronouns. I don't understand how we've gotten to this place. One character was a bully. Bullying used to be pushed in every young adult book for a period, but now apparently, the criteria for mainstream publications is to have at least one they/them character. We also had 2 characters that were "persons of color". Unnecessary information if you ask me, except the characters have to experience adversity because of their races. I only mention this because it felt like we were checking all the boxes in a leftist agenda. This felt like the exact narrative that certain individuals want to portray as a typical American experience, but I just don't see this where I live. Maybe it's because the book takes place in California. Again, had I known this was the cast of characters this book would feature, I would have skipped this book. 

All of that said, I find it hard to rate this book. On the one hand, I read it quickly. I was interested in finding out what happened to Natalia and Ethan. I wanted to see them resolve their issues. But I also had so many logistical issues with this story...the plot, the characters, the writing method, the drama. All of it was just too much for me to truly enjoy this book. Overall, I guess the best rating I can come up with for I Wish You Would is 3 Stars. Have you read I Wish You Would? What did you think? Let me know! 

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Sunday Post - 05/12/24

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ The Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~this meme was inspired in part by ~ In My Mailbox~ It's a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.

Happy Mother's Day! Big kids had games Monday night at the same time. My brother and sister-in-law came to see them. Since both were playing at the same place, we alternated watching half a game of each. Little Girl's team lost 11 to 8. They had a rally there at the end, but it wasn't in enough time to win. Little Boy's team won. I don't remember the score. Tuesday we went to the park with a friend. The boys had haircuts. And then we went to Burger King for lunch (all because they have a playplace, not because we love the food). Wednesday, Big Girl had a haircut. She's got it cut pretty short for her. It's a little longer than her shoulders. My mother-in-law had back surgery also. It was supposed to be outpatient, but she ended up having to stay overnight. We went to visit her after dinner. Wednesday was Husband and I's 15th wedding anniversary. My parents watched the kiddos while we went out for dinner. Thursday it rained off and on all day. We spent the day with my parents. Little Girl's game got cancelled because of potential bad weather. Little Boy's game was still on. It was their last game and they won 14 to 1. That win put them in 2nd place for the league. We did end up having bad weather that night. Our power went out at 9pm and didn't come back on until 7:30 the next morning. Littlest Boy slept with us, and the big kids slept on the couch. Friday was a normal day. I started coughing Tuesday afternoon. By Thursday, I knew I was getting sick. I spent most of Saturday watching Netflix and YouTube. Husband took the boys Mother's Day shopping and Little Girl went to a friend's house. I wanted to nap, but I couldn't from coughing so much.


Monday: Review of Lost Crows and Fallen Stars (Bonds of the Imnicus, # 1) by Abelia Sumpter (2.5 Stars)
Wednesday: Can't Wait for The Courting of Bristol Keats (The Courting of Bristol Keats, # 1) by Abelia Sumpter
Friday: Homeschool Friday - Frank and Bean: The Stinky Feet Monster (4 Stars)


Monday: Review of I Wish You Would by Eva Des Lauriers
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday?
Wednesday: Can't Wait for Wednesday?
Friday: Homeschool Friday

Don’t forget to link up for the 2024 Series Enders Reading Challenge! You have until December 15th, 2024 to sign up. Each month there will be a giveaway for those participating with an end of the year giveaway too! Click on the picture below or the link above to find out more!


No new books.

That's it for my shelves and recaps of my past and upcoming week. What did you add to your shelves this week? Any bookish news you want to talk about? Let me know!

Friday, May 10, 2024

Homeschool Friday - Frank and Bean: The Stinky Feet Monster

Homeschool Friday is a feature here at Somewhere Only We Know that showcases books my family reads during homeschool and provides a mini-review for each.

Frank and Bean: The Stinky Feet Monster

By: Jamie Michalak

Illustrator: Bob Kolar

Publication: September 26, 2023 by Candlewick Press

48 pages

Genre: Children's, Humor, Early Readers

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--Frank takes the lead in tracking down a very smelly creature as our favorite culinary odd couple embark on their funniest adventure yet.

Frank has a book, a map, and a plan to find the Stinky Feet Monster. Bean has new boots, a new hat, and a drum, and is ready to rock—BOOM, BOOM, BOOM! He doesn’t believe in the Stinky Feet Monster, but as the two friends trek through the dark woods, they encounter strange noises, big footprints, and a very foul odor. Could that be the elusive monster? Will it make Frank and Bean its next meal? Get ready for a final twist as wry text, deadpan timing, a dash of suspense, and bright, comic illustrations lay out a feast for beginning readers and young listeners hungry for laughs.

My 6-year-old son is learning to read. Yet he pretty much hates it. He gets overwhelmed with a lot of reading at one time even though he's doing very well and is already working on first grade level work when he should still be in kindergarten. (One of the pros of homeschooling is that we can work at the pace of the child. And even while not loving to do it, he's still ahead.) That being said, I've been trying to find books that are his type of humor. And Frank and Bean: The Stinky Feet Monster was a close hit to his interest.

Frank is a hotdog, and Bean is...well...a bean. They're two friends who set out on a journey to find the Stinky Feet Monster. Bean doesn't believe he's real, and Frank is determined to show he is. There are three things Frank knows about the Stinky Feet Monster: his feet shake the ground, he's really stinky, and he says "me want to eat you." The pair do meet a monster they believe to be the Stinky Feet Monster, but there's a twist that I don't want to spoil for you.

In the end, this is a relatively easy phonics level for beginner readers. And the content will be right up the alley of little boys who like all things stinky and monster. Frank and Bean: The Stink Feet Monster gets 4 Stars. Have you read Frank and Bean: The Stink Feet Monster? What did you think? Let me know!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Can't Wait for The Courting of Bristol Keats

Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings to spotlight and talk about the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they're books that have yet to be released as well. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous Jill at Breaking the Spine. Find out more here.

The Courting of Bristol Keats (The Courting of Bristol Keats, # 1)

By: Mary E Pearson

Expected Publication: November 12, 2024 by Flatiron Books

560 pages

Genre: Adult, Fantasy, Fae

( Goodreads | Amazon )

*Note: The above link to Amazon is an affiliate links. Affiliate links support giveaways for Somewhere Only We Know readers.

Goodreads description--From NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author Mary E. Pearson comes a thrilling romantic fantasy full of dangerous fae, dark secrets, and addictive romance

After losing both their parents, Bristol Keats and her sisters struggle to stay afloat in their small, quiet town of Bowskeep. When Bristol begins to receive letters from an “aunt” she’s never heard of who promises she can help, she reluctantly agrees to meet—and discovers that everything she thought she knew about her family is a lie. Even her father might still be alive, not killed but kidnapped by terrifying creatures to a whole other realm—the one he is from.

Desperate to save her father and find the truth, Bristol journeys to a land of gods and fae and monsters. Pulled into a dangerous world of magic and intrigue, she makes a deadly bargain with the fae king, Tyghan. But what she doesn't know is that he's the one who drove her parents to live a life on the run. And he is just as determined as she is to find her father—dead or alive.

What are you guys waiting on this week? Let me know!