Friday, August 2, 2024

Homeschool Friday - Things That Go Bump in the Day

Homeschool Friday is a feature here at Somewhere Only We Know that showcases books my family reads during homeschool and provides a mini-review for each.

Things That Go Bump in the Day

By: Melinda Beatty

Illustrated By: Charlene Chua

Publication: August 6, 2024 by Dial Books

32 pages

Genre: Children's, Halloween

Source: Publisher via Edelweiss (Thank you!!)

( Goodreads | Amazon )

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Goodreads description--The sun is out and it’s time for vampire Vlad to go to bed, but it’s easier said than done with all the creepy, creaky daytime noises that keep him (and his mother) from getting a good day’s rest.

Vampire Vlad is all tucked in, ready for bed. But his imagination runs wild when he hears all the daytime noises happening outside. A clickety-clack, a skreek and a clang? Who knows what that could be!

With each new sound, Vlad races to his patient and reassuring, but tired mama’s room until he learns how to calm himself down and finally get a good day’s rest. Melinda Beatty’s clever text and award-winning illustrator Charlene Chua’s imaginative illustrations make the perfect bedtime read (during the day or night) for anyone a little nervous to go to bed.

Things That Go Bump in the Day is very conceptual. There's a kid vampire who sleeps during the day and is scared of normal daytime noises like the mailman putting the mail in the mailbox or a fire engine off to a firefight. He runs to his mother to discuss what he's heard. And she comforts him by telling him the noises he's heard are just various monsters about their normal activities. And of course, the mother's explanations aren't scary at all. I can see kids being confused about this. I guess it depends on the age range that you're reading to. My three-year-old would be drawn to this book because he loves all the Halloween-themed books, but I can also bet you that he wouldn't understand the concept. My older two kids might get it, but I'd probably have to explain it to them. I did like the illustration style. And the cover is eye-catching. Things That Go Bump in the Day gets 3 Stars. Have you read Things That Go Bump in the Day? What did you think? Let me know!

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