Monday, September 23, 2024

So True a Love - Review

So True a Love

By: Joanna Barker

Publication: September 3, 2024 by Shadow Mountain

256 pages

Genre: Adult, Historical Fiction, Regency

Source: Publisher via NetGalley (Thank you!!)

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Goodreads description--Danger and passion collide in a Regency backdrop when a plucky young woman becomes embroiled in a Bow Street investigation alongside a handsome officer.

London, 1803

As the daughter of a renowned actress, Verity Travers is a privileged lady of high society —and the last woman one would suspect of working as a private investigator. But after one case nearly costs her everything, she makes the hard decision to hang up her hat and live the uninspiring life of a gentlewoman. However, when she and her dearest friend become victims of a harrowing armed robbery, Verity finds herself swept back into the clandestine world of mystery and crime as she seeks to bring the thief to justice. There’s just one complication: the persistent and dashingly handsome Bow Street Runner Nathaniel Denning, who always seems to cross her path.

Verity is confident she could accomplish her work quickly if only Nathaniel would stay out of her way. While she appreciates his keen mind and quick wit on a case, his interference is muddling her progress—and her heart. Focusing on the task at hand becomes more and more difficult as she constantly bumps into Nathaniel, who is determined to keep her out of danger.

When the two rival investigators learn they are both pursuing the same cunning criminal, they must figure out how to navigate the delicate dance of cooperation amid a backdrop of increasing peril and an irresistible passion that sets their hearts ablaze.

Joanna Barker has come up with some original story ideas, and So True a Love is just one of them. Verity has dreams (or did at one time) of becoming a female Bow Street Runner. Her brother worked with Bow Street. (You can read his story in A Heart Worth Stealing.) Jack taught her everything he knew, and he often enlisted her help with cases. She has a good mind for detective work. After Jack married and settled, Verity thought she might try doing some cases personally. She was doing pretty well, but one case went a little off that scared her, and rightly so. Verity was with a friend's family when they were all robbed. But something is off with the thief. Verity takes after him and literally bumps into Bow Street Runner, Nathaniel. Verity is urged by her friend to take on this case personally as a note was in her friend's reticule that could ruin her.  

Nathaniel is immediately irritated and intrigued by Verity. She seems to be popping up everywhere he is, disrupting his investigation. He didn't want to take this case because it would be like finding a needle in a haystack, and it also doesn't pay well. But he doesn't have a choice. Nathaniel quickly realizes that keeping Verity away from this case isn't going to happen, and so the two team up. I couldn't have been more excited about this duo. Nathaniel doesn't take much longer than teaming up with her to realize that he might want more from a relationship with her. But Verity doesn't plan to marry. She's keeping a secret that she doesn't want to be exposed.

The mystery wasn't the driving force for me, which is actually a good thing in my opinion. I felt like the mystery was central enough to the plot that it does guide most of the story, but my drive to read wasn't from wanting to find out the "who done it," but to find out if Verity would let her guard down to let Nathaniel in.

Favorite quotes:

-The next morning, I set out, determined to put my plan into action. It was two-pronged, as any worthwhile plan was.

-"Trust is a valuable thing, Miss Travers," he responded. "One mustn't give it away too easily."

-"A girl must use all the skills at her disposal," I replied. "You would be surprised how often I am underestimated."

-"I do not drink while working," he said eventually, his voice almost too steady. As if he'd offered this explanation many times before. "I prefer to have my wits about me." "I see," I said, trying not to show how very intrigued I was. "Wits are rather hard to come by. Best not to frighten them off."

-"Oh, none of that formality," I said. "Please call me Patience."

-"There is, perhaps, no surer mark of folly," he went on, "than an attempt to correct the natural infirmities of those we love."

-"Always one step forward and two steps back," he said in a soft voice. "But I am undeterred."

-"I find it quite impossible to forget anything about you."

-"I've never known anyone like you," I said quietly. "You say what you feel, and you mean it. No guile or deception."

-I'd learned firsthand from my parents that love could be both selfish and caring.

-A young lady passed him, eyeing him with unmistakable interest. I could hardly blame her--the man certainly knew how to lean on a wall--but I still glared at her back.

-"That is why we work so well together," I replied with a saucy wink. "You plan; I improvise."

As you can see there are some real gems in the banter between Nathaniel and Verity. Their relationship was supportive, and they admired each other's talents and abilities. I loved their entire journey. And they might be one of my favorite couples that I've read this month. So True a Love gets 4.5 Stars. Have you read So True a Love? What did you think? Let me know!

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